President Mattarella explains the value of business to Carlo Bonomi

This is the last Confindustria meeting for President Bonomi and the first for Mattarella.. And a little bit of’ roles were reversed in the two interventionswith the leader of industrialists who talks about democracy without touching on Pnrr and maneuver, and President of the Republic who quotes Einaudi and Roosevelt in defense of free enterprise from the economic dirigisme of the state.

It is necessary that Italians should not feel that they owe their salvation to anyone other than themselves.“, He says Mattarella quoting Einaudi, Governor of the Bank of Italy, in his final conclusions of March 31, 1947. “What does free enterprise mean?” explains Mattarella, “it means that there is no longer a need for royal patents, as in medieval times, to carry on a profession, an activity, an enterprise. This means that the Republic has transferred the power of choice and decision-making from the sovereign to the citizen.” This is also: “This means moving away from the economic dirigisme and protectionism typical of the authoritarian experience. This means transferring the principle of freedom to the field of economics.

And while everyone in the room is looking at Adolfo Ursothe president adds: “The company has a first and foremost social responsibility to create wealth, because the model that the Founding Fathers were thinking about is a civic economic model, which has its roots in the Neapolitan Enlightenment of the eighteenth century and especially in the figure of Antonio Genovesi, for which – he explains Mattarella “It was important to prevent the concentration of power and wealth in order to guarantee the freedoms of everyone.”

Head of State he recalled when “factories were converted into vaccination centers and “workers took their share of the risks to ensure that Italy did not grind to a halt to the point where our country’s recovery would be unmatched in the G7.” In addition to business closures, businesses are opening and workers are on the job keeping Italy on its feet during the pandemic..

Mattarella also warned populists not to give in to fears “when there is no temptation to ride them, encouraging the irritation of the resulting perception.” And here Franklin Delano Roosevelt quotes: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

The president of Confindustria agrees with this.: “Nothing protects the forces of labor and production more than an international order based on rights and freedoms.” Bonomi criticizes minimum wage proposal in report: “The debate in recent months about whether or not to legislate a minimum wage seems to be missing the fact that our Constitution obliges us to give workers a fair wage.” And this function falls on collective bargaining.

“Confindustria remains convinced that simply introducing a legal minimum wagenot accompanied by a set of measures aimed at strengthening representation, it will neither solve the serious problem of poor labor nor the scourge of contract dumping.and it will not give more power to collective bargaining,” he says. Bonomi.

But if he criticizes the opposition for the minimum wage, he criticizes Minister Urso for the flight decree.: “We are in the European single market; if we want to intervene to guarantee the territorial integrity of Sardinia and Sicily, and if we want there to be solidarity, it can be done, but intervention, as has been done in a regulated market such as the air transport market, can have the opposite effect.”

Looking abroad, Bonomi names three countries in particular.: China, “now a global power, ready to use all weapons of political, economic and military influence, even on the chessboards of Africa and Latin America”; Russia and its “expansive arrogance”, India in full development thanks to its ever-growing population and technological capabilities.

According to the President of Industrialists “the spirit of the European Union, the spirit of technological neutrality, was betrayed“. “Ten years ago,” we were told to focus on recycling, “and we invested, but then halfway through the process it was suggested to reuse, but I had already invested billions in recycling.” In the middle are people who are “losing jobs and families who are losing income.” Moreover, “the acceleration in just a few years to achieve stringent targets to curb climate change emissions has occurred without taking into account all the interests that deserve protection and the enormous pain that a gas price shock would cause us.”

Bonomi defines “Fit for 55”, “Clean Zero Industry Act” and “Raw Materials Act”: decisions made EU Commission “without general financial support.” If we don’t want to end up with “thousands and thousands of unemployed people on the streets,” if we don’t want to give additional reasons to those who are working to incite mistrust and destabilization, demagoguery and populism, then one of two things. Or after the next European elections a scenario will open up in which The European Union will be able to resume the path of greater integration achieved during Covid and then interrupted; or, in the name of sanity, it will be necessary to adjust downward the acceleration of the achievement of goals and the investments required to achieve them in such a short time and with such inequalities in resources.”

Criticism, he said Bonomi, “of course, do not arise from denial of the climate problem or indifference to its consequences. Environmental sustainability is inevitable. But he cannot ignore economic and social sustainability. Europe must act united” It will have to be changed.

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