Press release – Reading concert “The weight of words” in Campetto, Via Enga (Canicatto, AG)

(AGENPARL) – Tuesday 04 July 2023 Dear all,
Press release regarding the final program conceived by “Centrocampo”. Revive the pitch through England”:
> The reading concert, written and directed by author and pianist Maria Ausilia Di Falco, is called “The Weight of Words” because it invites the audience to reflect on the thoughts that guide our actions. The motto is I think, I speak, I act. If I think legally, I will speak legally, I will act legally. In fact, each word embodies a thought and from each word springs a definite and precise action.
> Texts based on scenes from daily life drawn from the direct experience of artists, citizens, Leonardo Sciascia, Pirandello and other authors who dealt with the theme of legitimacy in a political way.
> The public attending the readings will be led to reflect, questioning how wrong mindsets can actually be changed. We’ll focus on a whole range of superficial gestures that can easily be replaced with deep and thoughtful gestures. Readers Serena Bonsangu and Lizzo Zerbo will engage the public in a participatory activity, while MarĂ­a Ausilia Di Falco will take care of the reading’s scenery: a background soundtrack for the words accompanying the meaning of the text from an emotional perspective. Notes and words will be interspersed with gestures that we hope will sow seeds that will take root in the only area it’s really worth investing in: mindset.
>When: Sunday 9th July 2023 at 8:30 am
> Where: Campetto, Canicato AG in Via Enga
Poster and aerial photo of the pitch is attached (Photo Credits: Antonio Benici)
cordially, –
Dunacura – Permanent Citizens Laboratory
Mauro Fontana, Simona Guarneri, Liborio Sacchelli
Canicato (AG)

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