Prevention is fundamental – Tucumán Department of Public Health

Within the framework of the annual observance of World Head and Neck Cancer Day on July 27, Dr. Pablo Vallejo, Head of Head and Neck Services at Centro de Salud Hospital, explained that prevention and awareness are key factors when head and neck cancer occurs. to fight this disease.

He begins: “Head and neck cancers account for 5 percent of cancers in the body and originate in the mouth, throat, larynx and sinuses, but they are fairly common and tobacco and alcohol are risk factors.”

Currently, cancers of the tonsils and tongue base area are on the rise due to sexually transmitted HPV, and are occurring in young adults, he added. “Another factor to consider for oral cancer is ill-fitting dentures and poor oral condition,” he said.

In addition, Vallejo said that people underestimate this pathology because if they have incurable lesions in the mouth, hoarseness for more than 15 days, and chronic sinusitis that does not improve after treatment, they should be studied and participate in the questioning: “Must Considering that 30% of head and neck cancers may also manifest as neck tumors, this should also be studied. Unfortunately, the patient was late for the appointment. It is recommended to focus on prevention and try to avoid risk factors such as smoking and alcohol. Get an appropriate consultation.

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