Prevention of Ascariasis – Schools

the strange and terrifying inhabitants of the body

Access to safe drinking water and sanitation services and improved hygiene practices can reduce diseases such as ascariasis and hookworm infections.

Helminth eggs (parasitic worms of humans and animals) are a major health risk due to the safe use of wastewater or sewage for agricultural irrigation, in addition, the eggs of these worms are highly resistant and can survive for many years.

Ascariasis is caused by Ascaris lumbricoides, an intestinal worm known in the Guaraní language as sevo’i pytã. This is a very common condition for children who play in or get very close to dirt. They can cause massive infections that are life-threatening and constitute a real public health problem.

Symptoms of Ascariasis

arrive. In the small intestine: abdominal pain and malnutrition.

Second. In the respiratory system: can cause recurrent bronchitis.

C. On the skin: allergic reaction, itching, etc.

How is ascariasis diagnosed?

arrive. Fecal matter analysis.

Second. A spherical abdomen is observed in the child.

C. The worms are expelled through the mouth, anus, and nose.


arrive. Drink potable water, if not available, bring the water to a boil.

Second. Wash food, especially vegetables, thoroughly.

C. Eliminate excreta by installing sanitary toilets. Avoid defecating on the floor.

d. Avoid watering fruits and vegetables with sewage.

and. Be careful not to let children play with dirt.


I answer.

1. Why are these intestinal parasites common in children in developing (poor) countries?

2. What should we do to avoid infections caused by these parasites?

II Observe and explain the life cycle of the roundworm (sevo’i pytã).


Use hygienic measures to prevent hookworm and ascariasis.

fountain: Nature and Health Sciences 7. 2011. Asuncion. Atlas.

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