Proper ventilation in your home can prevent respiratory illnesses in your family – La Cuarta Constructor

central theme

author: Ivan Urbina, posted in

Ideally, provide natural ventilation to enclosed spaces in your home through doors or windows. However, if contact with the outside world is not possible, a forced ventilation mechanism can be installed.

Proper ventilation in your home can prevent respiratory illnesses in your family – La Cuarta Constructor

Whether it’s winter, summer or spring, home ventilation is crucial. Without the correct airflow, a variety of catastrophic consequences can occur due to the concentration of polluting gases and allergens.

Additionally, humidity is one of the major issues that comes with confinement itself. In fact, humidity levels in your home should be between 35% and 50%, but exceeding this limit can promote the growth of mites, mold, and bacteria.

“Whether you are working or resting, natural ventilation is very important for the health of your home or place. The natural renewal of air allows us to avoid sources of humidity in winter and regulate or reduce heat sensation in summer.” Architect, School of Architecture and Landscape, Central University and scholar Uwe Rohwedder explains.

In addition to causing structural deterioration of walls, floors, and ceilings, excessive humidity can have a variety of effects on people’s health. These are mainly associated with respiratory diseases, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis and respiratory infections.

“Good natural ventilation means clean, unpolluted air and is very beneficial to health because it allows us to renew the natural circulation in the body and in the home and cleans the air, thus preventing the growth of bacteria. That said, maintain good ventilation It helps a lot in avoiding infectious diseases,” the teacher added.

Ventilation type

The best ventilation available is natural ventilation, through windows, doors or passages that face directly outside the home.

“Natural ventilation is provided through windows, sliding doors and the connection to the outside through folding windows on the roof. The aim is to create cross ventilation that allows air flow. In summer it is recommended that air enters from below and exhausts from above, as hot air It tends to rise and the stack effect naturally occurs,” Rohwedder explains.

However, not all homes, rooms or rooms have access to the outside world. In these cases ventilation must be forced.

“Forced ventilation is mechanical, that is, through fans or coolers, consuming energy. This method is suitable for areas where raising or lowering the temperature is not possible due to health or comfort concerns,” said the architects from Central University.

“They tend to be used more in larger work areas with internal surfaces away from the edges. They are used for drying and eliminating odors in Mediterranean bathrooms, or in areas with high noise or air pollution. Many times, filters are placed to clean air within the system. The air conditioning system then maintains a uniform temperature during the stay,” he concluded.

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