Public health department identifies water as transmitter of gastroenteritis outbreak in Tarazona

The Aragonese government on Wednesday confirmed the source of the gastroenteritis epidemic in Tarazona. As the town’s mayor Antonio Jaray and public health director Nuria Gayán already announced last week, this is the water. Apart from, The number of people affected has increased to 394.

New analysis of oral supply suggests presence of protozoan types Cryptosporidium, as explained by DGA. so far, The substance was detected only in the feces of those affected, where it appeared to be, in Gayan’s words, “more concentrated.” at a press conference last week. In fact, he even said that in order to get a sample of the water, up to 100 liters of water must be collected for each test.

therefore, The Tarazona City Council is working with the public health department to evaluate all measures that will be takenin the water supply network. Once you know the parasite and the route of transmission, you still don’t know where the contamination occurred., which is the key task of our current efforts. The government says this will be able to “eliminate the root cause of the problem”.

at present, The council and regional authorities insist on following advice from recent weekssuch as drinking bottled water, boiling water for cleaning for ten minutes or not eating raw food.

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