Public health: synonymous with health

Environmental changes can significantly impact health, which is why there is a strong relationship between public health and the emergence of various diseases, especially infectious diseases.

Author: Luis Calderon Canal

We are subtly connected to the environment we live in every day, and while being affected, we are also affecting it; from this interaction, we can derive the good and bad performance in life and express it in a way Very specific ways of drawing out our health, and this is something we should be very interested in.

This simple but at the same time complex reason means that we are obliged to keep the environment in which we live or work in good condition, which means, among other things, adhering to basic standards of hygiene and decoration, which are not always the case. Take account of all that this implies in the practical order when taking action.

Unfortunately, every day we can see that not everyone takes appropriate actions in this area of ​​life, which is why near garbage dumps or containers, micro landfills, smelly puddles, animals of animals, etc. Trash is common in any community. Health centers: work or study, unusable bathrooms, clogged wastewater systems, animal droppings on streets, sidewalks and gardens, animal carts circulating in different areas, including those close to service delivery centers without known bastards, in There is no real collective rejection of animals and other negative manifestations in buildings and homes, but there is also no positive action by the officials responsible for implementing the established disciplinary measures.

Those who try to make it seem like this is only important for the sake of greater beauty are wrong. In fact, it also has significant health implications, as it allows the emergence of vectors such as flies, cockroaches, mosquitoes and rats that can transmit dangerous diseases such as dengue fever, conjunctivitis or leptospirosis, with serious consequences. A known.

While there are people who have social responsibility to control this situation, such as the Director or the General Inspector, but equally important besides this are the different elements of the neighborhood, such as the structures of the Committee for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR) or the Federation of Cuban Women The FMC is taking care to ask all individuals and families to take appropriate action to ensure that no one is harmed and that the community remains clean and beautified that we all deserve.

The harmonious functioning of the environment depends on the balance between the various factors that make up the environment, so we must be careful not to damage the environment through irresponsible behavior instead of doing the right thing.

Environmental changes can significantly impact health, which is why there is a strong relationship between public health and the emergence of various diseases, especially infectious diseases. So it’s not enough for every person, every family to adhere to public health standards, we have to maintain a militant pause and let others do the same, or it’s enough for someone to irresponsibly assume that an entire community is at risk of contracting the disease.

The fact that in our building we have neighbors who keep animals on their terraces or in their apartments makes us endure bad smells, deal with feces or urine, and even take care of dog bites, it is not only their responsibility, It is also everyone’s responsibility. The same goes for those who allow this behavior, and the same goes for those who litter or destroy their gardens with horses, sheep or cattle.

Whether at home or in the neighborhood, hygiene is health. Let’s do what’s necessary to make them work forever and say “no” to filth, shoddy work and abandonment.

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