More than 30 organizations and representatives from the Puerto Rican health sector participated in the meeting.
September 2, 2023 | | Reading time: 4 minutes
Patients, health professionals and Puerto Rican government officials at the Salud en Tus Manos forum. Photo: Journal of Medicine and Public Health.
During the first forum held between the two governments puerto rico (department healthy), together with the association patient Agreed with physicians on challenges of accessing medicines healthy And the strategies needed to improve care for Puerto Ricans.
The event was sponsored by the medical journal and healthy With the support of AbbVie, the public brings together more than 30 organizations in the industry healthy de la Isla, together with the institutions charged with managing these issues, has the space to engage and co-build to address the current situation healthy of patient.
There, ASES officials healthy Medicaid addresses concerns about the Vital Plan Medicare recertification process that must be performed by approximately 1.6 million residents.
See the full forum here.
In this regard, Lilliam Rodríguez, Executive Director of VOCESPR, acknowledged that “these organizations patient They play a vital role because they work directly with patients, listen to their needs, and maybe, if they train us and prepare us, we can help in the process of educating the public. “
They also discussed issues related to funding parity for the industry healthyin addition to the hurdles physicians face, physicians also face difficulties obtaining insurance authorization and paying for services. patient Get diagnostic tests and prompt treatment.
Challenges in Medical Authorization
One of the spokespersons in the field of dermatology patient Dr. Alma Cruz, who suffers from hidradenitis suppurativa, reveals the struggles she faces in order to find a better treatment option for her patient.
“We think we have to treat patient And fight the drug approval system.I’m specifically saying patient Hidradenitis suppurativa, atopic dermatitis, and psoriasis,” says the dermatologist.
Ana Laboy, director of the Puerto Rico Kidney Foundation, said of the referral process: patient Nearly 3,500 patients suffer from kidney disease and receive dialysis.
“We must help our patient Navigation System healthy.I think we should understand each other’s feelings patient And what they’re going through because the circumstances are different,” he said.
In this event, the challenges we faced patient Cancer, skin diseases, HIV and hepatitis C, and cardiovascular and diabetic diseases that place a heavy burden on health systems. healthy.
Likewise, ASES and Medicaid officials highlight steps taken by Department of Health healthy For the convenience of medical practice and access to medical services healthy.
“This year, we’ve achieved coverage of blood glucose meters as part of durable medical equipment, patient “Additionally, we are trying to guarantee access to essential services by providing compensation to providers,” said Dinorah Collazo Ortiz.
Witness the wonderful moments of the forumhealthy in your hands.