Pulmonologist recommends respiratory health alert due to smoke

Experts from the Bolivian Society of Pneumology recommended issuing a respiratory health alert as the smoke blanketed several towns in Bolivia because of the “potential danger it poses to the entire population in the short, medium and long term.”

A statement from the Pulmonary Society warned that the chaos leading to the bushfires has caused “intolerable and dangerous” environmental pollution, which poses a real risk to the health of the general public, and even more so for patients who develop the condition. Basic illness.

The document has seven recommendations, the second of which recommends the resumption of the use of masks, mainly among sensitive groups, that is, people with diseases such as bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, lung cancer or viral infections. Coronavirus (COVID-19).

In the sense that the government has directed the mandatory use of chin straps or masks to prevent the spread of the virus, which has led to more than 22,000 deaths during the Covid-19 pandemic, the University Association noted that it is important to use chin straps or masks to restore masks.

Likewise, it recommends the use of air purifiers in homes or venues with sensitive and high-risk groups, and advises people to stay home for as long as possible but be careful not to open windows.

In addition to refraining from sports and recreational activities outdoors and avoiding prolonged stays in open spaces, if you have difficulty breathing, go to a health center immediately.

In an interview with Cadena A, Marco García, the president of the university, warned that chronic respiratory diseases due to smog may occur in the future.

He said: “We are concerned that within a year or two we will have more new patients with respiratory conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which unfortunately we are experiencing now since August this year. Pollution causes lung cancer.” points out.

Pulmonologist Patricio Farfán explains that common symptoms due to poor air quality are: irritated eyes, burning nose, itchy throat. To combat these symptoms, it is recommended to wear a mask, drink Large amounts of liquids (water, juice, milk, etc.), nasal hygiene with physiological solutions, people with respiratory diseases should avoid physical activity in open spaces.

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