Qatar reveals details of Gaza truce agreement between Israel and Hamas

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – Qatar, which played the main mediating role in negotiations between Israel and Hamas, issued its own statement announcing what it called a “humanitarian ceasefire agreement.”

In line with previous announcements from both sides of the conflict, the statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar states: “The State of Qatar announces the success of joint mediation efforts with the Arab Republic of Egypt and the United States of America between Israel and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), which led to the achievement of an agreement for a humanitarian truce, the times of which will be announced within 24 hours and will last four days, extendable.

He continued: “The agreement provides in the first phase for the exchange of 50 civilian women and children prisoners in the Gaza Strip in exchange for the release of a certain number of Palestinian women and children detained in Israeli prisons, provided that the number of those will be released be increased in the subsequent stages of the implementation of the agreement.”

Qatar’s Foreign Ministry added: “The truce will also allow the entry of more humanitarian convoys and humanitarian aid, including fuel for humanitarian needs. The State of Qatar affirms the continuation of its diplomatic efforts to reduce escalation, stop the bloodshed and protect civilians and, in this regard, appreciates the efforts made by the brotherly Arab Republic of Egypt and the United States of America.” In supporting mediation efforts to reach this agreement.”

The statement did not specify the number of Palestinians who would be released, but appeared to indicate that the number would increase as the truce agreement lasts.

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