Quarata. Final Farewell to Antonio Vermigli – News


the flags of Peace and Libera on one side, the flags of the Brazilian workers’ movement of Sem Terra; On the side, the banner of the Radio Research Network. Thus, in the Quaratino Technological Pole provided by the municipal administration, a final farewell was made to Antonio Vermigli, who is remembered in the region for being, among other things, the creator of the Agliana-Quarata March of Justice.

A public greeting, in which the testimony of many people from the region was recorded, including the mayors of Quarata, Agliana and Carmignano, the founders of the Casa della Solidarieta of Quarata, family members, friends, but also many national and not only celebrities. Such as magistrate Gherardo Colombo, the writer Mohammed Ba, founder of LIBRA and Don Luigi Ciotti of the Abele Group, who, among other things, urged everyone to continue the experience of the Justice March.

In the afternoon, the religious ceremony took place in the Vignole Church of Quarata Municipality, attended by several parish priests from the region and beyond, including Don Luigi Ciotti.

The intervention of the children Tommaso was particularly important, during the public greeting in the morning at the Polo Tecnológico and Adele, during the funeral in the church, around which many of those present huddled together in a hug.

Martha Quilici

(tagstotranslate) Pistoia News

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