Quirónsalud expert highlights breastfeeding as “the best gift a mother can give her baby”

As emphasized, breastfeeding “is a mother’s best gift to her baby’s growth and health and strengthens the bond between the two” Antonio RiveraCoordinator Midwifery Services at the Quirónsalud Hospital in CórdobaThe benefits of breastfeeding for healthy development are immeasurable and “a sign of a mother’s unconditional love for her child,” she explained.

On this occasion world breastfeeding weekHeld August 1-7, Antonio Rivera highlights the benefits of the event natural dietbecause it provides optimal nutrition for infants and is a complete food “specifically designed to meet the nutritional needs of newborns.” It contains a blend of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals that help For the normal growth and development of infants in the first few months of life.

In addition, breast milk contains Antibodies and cells that help boost your baby’s immune system, protects you from infections and diseases such as colds, gastroenteritis and otitis media, and reduces the risk of allergies and long-term chronic diseases.One aspect that needs to be emphasized is the mother-infant bond that is created during breastfeeding because releases hormones such as oxytocin, which promotes attachment The bond between the two is very important for a baby’s emotional development.

Breastfeeding also has many benefits for mothers. Helps reduce the risk of postpartum hemorrhageto promote faster recovery of the uterus, help postpartum weight loss, studies have shown that breastfeeding and Lower your chances of getting certain types of cancer such as breasts and ovaries.

summer lactation

During the summer, breastfeeding mothers Moisture should be monitored more carefully The midwifery coordinator notes that sun protection is also important, as hydration helps normal breast milk production, increases the frequency of feedings and keeps babies well hydrated. It is also recommended that mothers maintain a cool and ventilated environment where they breastfeed, wear comfortable and lightweight clothing, seek shade, and avoid going out or engaging in outdoor activities during the hottest hours, attention babyto check if you are irritable or have dry skin, signs that could indicate dehydration.

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