Quirónsalud experts recommend surgical treatment of chronic sinusitis to avoid complications

Monday, September 25, 2023 10:36

Experts Quirónsalud Torrevieja and Valencia suggestion Surgery to treat chronic bacterial sinusitis when it does not respond to medical treatment. “Besides,” the doctor elaborated Erin LopezOtolaryngologist at Quirónsalud Hospital in Valencia and Mercado Medical Center in Cologne, “What is very special is that some acute sinusitis can present complications, They put the eyeball at risk, leading to orbital cellulitis and even intracranial involvement from bacterial meningitis.».

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses resulting from a catarrhal process that can cause acute bacterial superinfection. Dr. Manuel Papi, an otolaryngologist at Quirónsalud Torrevieja Hospital, says one of the most bothersome symptoms of sinusitis is “Headaches in the facial area that worsen when bending over or pressing on the cheeks and forehead, and produce thick and abundant mucus that may be yellow or even green in colorarrive. Likewise, it can cause nasal congestion and loss of smell, especially in cases of chronic infection.

As for the factors that make sinusitis and its symptoms worse, it depends on its origin. «In case of bacterial infection, the main factors are Viral Catarrhal Symptoms and Possible Low Immune System Defenses», explains Dr. Lopez. In the case of polyporosinusitis, Dr. Papy notes, “It’s caused by chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa due to seasonal allergies or changes in the immune system.”

How sinusitis surgery is performed

this endoscopic sinus surgery This is the standard surgical treatment for sinusitis.As described by Dr. Irene López from Quirónsalud Valencia and Quirónsalud Mercado de Colón Medical Center, “This technology allows Minimally invasive surgery using the patient’s nasal passages, no incisions required». Among its many advantages, experts highlight faster recovery and scarlessness. Additionally,” he adds, “it can access the paranasal sinuses through their natural drainage pathways and clean them appropriately. “

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia In most cases, patients are discharged the same day due to rapid recovery after the intervention..

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