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Pope Francis’ lung inflammation and related breathing difficulties persist, but he is in stable condition and does not have a fever, the Vatican reported.

The report added that the pope continues to receive antibiotic treatment. Late last week, the pope was forced to cancel events due to the flu and underwent a CT scan at a Rome hospital. The test ruled out pneumonia but detected inflammation.

When Francis was young in his native Argentina, part of one of the pope’s lungs was removed.

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning and welcomeThe pope said Wednesday during his weekly audience in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall. The 86-year-old pope appeared breathless and spoke in limited words at an event held a day after he had to cancel his participation in the COP28 climate summit. Held in Dubai on doctor’s orders. He announced that attendees would read his text, substituting the following words: “I’m still not feeling well with this flu and (my) voice isn’t feeling well either“.

He was greeted by loud applause and chants of “Viva il papa” (Long live the Pope) in the packed hall. At the end of the meeting, Francis reiterated his call for a ceasefire to continue in the Gaza Strip, release all hostages and allow humanitarian aid to enter the territory. “We ask for peace,” he said, also referring to UkraineAccording to Reuters,

The pope is receiving on-the-ground reports from the Catholic diocese of Gaza, where he is concerned about the lack of water, bread and the suffering of ordinary people. “Wars are always lost, and everyone loses a group that benefits greatly: the weapons manufacturers who make a lot of money from other people’s deaths,” he said.

The Pope elaborated on his health on Thursday, revealing that he was suffering from acute bronchitis, a highly contagious disease. “As you can see, I’m still alivehe announced casually to an audience at a seminar on health and ethics, according to a Vatican transcript. Francis continued: “The doctor won’t let me go to Dubai. The reason is it’s hot out there and you go from heat to air conditioning and (inconveniently) in this bronchial situation. Thank God it’s not pneumonia.This is a very acute form of infectious bronchitis“.

Francisco assured that he did not have a fever and confirmed that he was taking antibiotics. In another audience with theologians on Thursday, the pope asked them: “pray for me. Pray for me, not against me, for this work is not easy.Thanks“.

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