Recommendations for sudden temperature changes in Acapulco

Groa Capulco, March 20, 2024. -In view of the sudden change in temperature, the Acapulco City Government issued recommendations to the public to prevent diarrhea and respiratory infections.


City Health Director Aniceto Leguizamo Dimas explained that cooler temperatures and drafts are reported at night, while temperatures tend to rise during the day, so people take appropriate precautions Very important.

The official called on citizens to avoid direct contact with air currents and to take care of the most vulnerable groups, such as children and the elderly, as well as people with chronic lung diseases such as bronchitis, asthma and emphysema.


“This is especially true for people who have chronic lung problems for one reason or another, these temperature changes may cause them to decompensate,” he explains.

On the other hand, high temperatures can promote the decomposition of food, while drought can create dust clouds that may contain parasite eggs, Leguizamo Dimas explains.

In this sense, the director calls for proper preservation of food, as well as proper hand washing.

People can go to the nearest medical center or to the surgical units in Hogar Moderno and Xaltianguis.

What diseases can be transmitted by temperature changes?

Sudden changes in temperature, especially frequent or severe changes, may influence the onset of various diseases or health complications, although they do not necessarily directly cause them. The relationship between temperature changes and health is complex and involves environmental factors, the body’s immune response, and the prevalence of viruses and bacteria. Here I mention some diseases and health conditions that may be affected by temperature changes:

1. Respiratory Diseases

  • colds and flu: Sudden changes in temperature can affect the immune system, making it more susceptible to infections like the common cold or flu. Although these viruses are present year-round, their incidence increases during seasons of significant climate change.
  • upper respiratory tract infection: Drastic changes in weather can irritate the respiratory tract and increase the risk of infections such as pharyngitis, laryngitis and sinusitis.

2. cardiovascular problems

  • heart attack and stroke: Sudden changes in temperature can affect blood pressure and blood circulation, increasing the risk of cardiovascular events, especially in people who are already susceptible.

3. skin disease

  • skin problems: Extreme and sudden temperature changes can dry out the skin, cause eczema or worsen pre-existing conditions like psoriasis.

4. joint and muscle pain

  • arthritis and muscle pain: Some people experience increased joint and muscle pain due to sudden changes in temperature, possibly due to changes in atmospheric pressure.

5. autoimmune disease

  • Exacerbation of autoimmune disease: In some cases, temperature changes can negatively affect individuals with autoimmune diseases, exacerbating symptoms.

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