Removal of bodies begins at Rio Negro Beach

it launched last friday Removal of carcasses of sea lions from La Lobería beach, about 30 kilometers from El Cóndor and 60 kilometers from Viedma. The mission is carried out jointly by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change and the delegation from El Cóndor in the municipality of Viedma, “Keep the beaches clean and prevent possible risks from the spread of bird flu cases,” they explained.

he Those in charge of the operation equipped a four-wheel vehicle and used slings and levers to transport the 27 animals across a sandbar. Cross the sandbar at low tide and walk towards the end of the stone.

those specimens and Highly decomposed and completely processed by tides. During an assessment last Sunday, it was apparent that no bodies had returned to the beach.

Taking advantage of favorable weather and tidal conditions, a new phase of operations took place on Sunday morning. Using slings and manual dragging along the beach, the 74 animals were moved toward the line where the gravel ends and the sandbar begins, waiting for the carcasses to be lifted by the rising tide.

A secondary objective of the operation is the reopening of La Lobería, one of the most popular beaches along the Camino de la Costa. It is about two kilometers away from the largest wolf sanctuary in South America.

Authorities keep in mind the effectiveness of all precautionary measures during this emergencyhighlighting the importance of keeping your distance from sea lions, dead birds, or people with obvious symptoms of bird flu.

They recalled that members of the public are asked to contact SENASA if they suspect or report affected birds. You can do this through the nearest local office, through the SENASA notification app for Android devices, by sending an email to, by calling the phone number 11 5700 5704 Or by filling out the online form.

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