Renal cell carcinoma accounts for 90% of all types of kidney cancer

In its early stages, kidney cancer is usually asymptomatic, but larger tumors may cause certain signs and symptoms.

Kidney cancer is usually asymptomatic. Photo: Journal of Medicine and Public Health.

When it comes to fighting cancer, it is crucial to understand the nature of the disease, its subtypes and how it affects different organs.Therefore, in certain cases, such as kidney cancerwe address the following details when there is a large gap between one type and another cancer Renal cell carcinoma, transitional cell carcinoma, and nephroblastoma.

Kidney anatomy: Kidneys are the guardians of the blood

The kidneys are bean-shaped organs that play a vital role in the human body. Located in the back of the abdomen, one on the left and one on the right of the spine, they work to filter waste, salt and water from the blood to produce urine. In addition to helping control blood pressure and ensuring the body has enough red blood cells.

As the American Cancer Society points out: “Both kidneys are important, but only one kidney can function. Many people in the United States live normal, healthy lives on just one kidney. “Some people have non-functioning kidneys , can only survive with the help of the medical procedure of dialysis. “

Kidney cancer, which often has no symptoms

In its initial stages, kidney cancer It is usually asymptomatic, but larger tumors may cause signs and symptoms such as blood in the urine (hematuria), pain on one side of the waist, a lump in one side or waist, fatigue, loss of appetite, involuntary weight loss due to Persistent fever and anemia due to low red blood cell count.

According to the magazine, often kidney cancer These signs and symptoms may occur, but are more commonly “due to other benign conditions.” For example, blood in the urine may be caused by a bladder or urinary tract infection or kidney stones. “If you experience any of these symptoms, you should consult your doctor so the cause can be identified and treated, if necessary.”

Renal cell carcinoma, the most common

he cancer Kidney cells take center stage as most common cell type kidney cancerrepresents approximately 90% of cases, the association elaborates on this point: “Approximately 9 out of 10 cases are kidney cancer They are renal cell carcinomas. “

The tumors are divided into several subtypes based on their microscopic appearance, with the portal describing them as: “Clear cell, the most common subtype, accounting for approximately 70% of cases; % of cases; granulosa cells; chromophobe cells; collecting duct, multilocular cystic, medullary, mucinous tubular and spindle cells, even unclassified.

Transitional cell carcinoma and nephroblastoma

certain types kidney cancer Less common is cancer Transitional cell tumors and nephroblastoma are considered the least common.

Regarding these, it is worth noting: ” cancer Transitional cell carcinoma originates in the lining of the renal pelvis rather than in the kidneys, and its symptoms include blood in the urine and occasionally back pain. Smoking and exposure to certain cancer-causing chemicals at work are often linked to this type of cancer. “

Wilms’ tumor (nephroblastoma) almost always occurs in children and can grow quite large before symptoms appear, so the first sign is a swollen or hardened abdomen.

Survey of patients with advanced kidney cancer

Various medical centers and institutions have conducted relevant studies kidney cancerspecifically cancer Kidney Cells, Addressing Causes, Testing, Diagnosis and Treatment.One of the most promising areas of research is the treatment of less common subtypes, e.g. cancer Granular cell kidney.

Among other things, the ACS states: “Because chemotherapy is not very effective in this advanced cancer, combinations of immunotherapy drugs, combinations of immunotherapy with targeted therapies, and targeted therapies are being used as treatment options. Treatment is not possible with surgery.” First-line drug for kidney cancer that has been removed or has spread outside the kidney.”

Early detection of kidney cancer and its difficulties

Many confirmed cases kidney cancer They occur in the early stages, when they are limited to the kidneys. However, as the association noted in an article, some other viruses are discovered at a later stage, so multiple factors contribute to the lack of early detection.

“Sometimes these cancers grow to be very large but do not cause any pain or other problems. Because the kidneys are located deep in the body, small kidney tumors cannot be seen or felt during a physical exam. There are no recommended screening tests available for early detection kidney cancer among those who were not at increased risk.This is because no test has been shown to reduce the overall risk of dying from kidney cancer“.

Source reference here.

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