Rennervations, the latest adventure by Jeremy Renner, produced by Romilda de Luca – La Voce di New York

Take a tour bus and turn it into a mobile after-school activity facility, or a delivery van and turn it into a drinking water treatment plant, or a fire truck to redevelop it as a dance studio. This is’ Rennervations, the new traveling reality show by and starring Jeremy Renner. The famous American actor, who is recovering as miraculous as he is spirited after the terrible accident he suffered on January 1st – overwhelmed by his snowplow in Tahoe – combines his passion for abandoned vehicles with the idea of ​​transforming and offering help to anyone who needs it, especially children.

Rennervations – pun between Renner and renewals – debuted on Disney+ last April 12, with the first of four episodes of about 50 minutes each filmed between Reno, Chicago, Mexico and India. This is the first series but Renner and partners are planning a second season.

We talked about Rennervations with the producer of the series Romilda De Luca, from Caserta, for 14 years in Los Angeles, business partner and great friend of Renner. De Luca has always worked between marketing and cinema and television: she is the representative of the Stellantis group (Fiat, Crysler, Alfa Romeo, Lavazza), and collaborates with Renner – as well as with stars and “brands” such as Jennifer Lopez and Eminem – from years. Di Renner says he’s a volcano, a force of nature, one that never stops: “He broke 40 bones three months ago, and he came on the red carpet to present his series!” he says he referring to the premiere of Rennervations. She herself is a volcano of energy.

Romilda De Luca with Jeremy Renner

Romilda, how did the idea of Rennervations?

We have been friends with Jeremy (Renner) for about ten years, mainly because of marketing projects. Back in 2019 Jeremy was talking to me about these vehicles that he was buying and collecting in Reno. It was before the pandemic, and he was asking me: “What do you think about the idea of ​​transforming these vehicles for new uses?” Jeremy hates waste, loves recycling and loves the idea of ​​helping children in need and anyone in need.

Where does the show come from?

Yes, he meant it as a “movement”, something that could help fragile communities, which went beyond the simple restructuring of vehicles. A social movement of re-imagination and intervention. Not just here in the USA, but all over the world.

You made four episodes before his accident. How many are you planning?

Jeremy would never stop. He has 200 vehicles parked at his Rennercamp in Reno. He buys them at auction, and his take is “the more I buy, the more I have the ability to help communities around the world.”

Then came Disney.

When we found Disney+ we hit the road. Four vehicles at once, here in America, Mexico and India. And we’ve already received feedback from organizations around the world. The “movement” that Jeremy envisioned has really kicked off.

How did you choose these first vehicles?

We started from Reno, where Jeremy is an honorary citizen, where he had already started transforming fire trucks into party trucks for sick children in hospitals. Jeremy is the standard bearer of the program Big Brother Big Sister since 2019, which deals with the support of guardians for children at risk. It’s a bigger organization than I thought. In Nevada, the problem of children with difficult family situations is enormous. During the pandemic, the idea was to create a mobile entertainment centre.

Then you went to Chicago.

We arrived in Chicago through a musician friend of Jeremy who introduced us BASIC Chicago, an organization that tries to get children out of the ghetto and prevent them from ending up in gangs. Jeremy was born as a musician, for him music is also a vehicle of emancipation, and he transformed a tourist bus into a music studio.


Mexico was introduced to us by friends of friends. Mexican children are fantastic, they play football, make music, cook. The idea was sport, dancing, chefs. We had thought of transforming a truck into a “food truck” for preparing food for children. But hygiene issues arose during the pandemic and the focus changed – the truck became a space for music and dance. It’s a beautiful episode. It was a thrill to see the children who can finally leave the house and dance.

Similarly, the Indian episode was strong and intense. Jeremy and his crew have converted a truck to carry clean water out of schools. In India and Africa, children have neither food nor clean water. A very serious problem, which this idea seeks to remedy, even if only minimally.

Have you therefore made large trips?

Sure, Jeremy has been everywhere twice: the first time to meet with organizations and communities to understand what they needed, the second time to deliver the vehicle transformed for those needs. Each delivery is performed by a celebrity, such as Anthony Mackie, Vanessa Hudgens, Sebastian Yatra and Anil Kapoor.

Are there any more episodes ready?

Not yet, but Jeremy intends to do one after another, if Disney+ agrees. It all depends on the ratings and feedback, which for now are excellent. Jeremy also takes advice from his 10-year-old daughter, who has a great imagination. We hope to start a Rennervations 2 as soon as possible.

Jeremy Renner / Ansa

Where was she when Jeremy had the accident?

I was here in Los Angeles. On January 1, the mayor of Reno called: he’d like to wish me a Happy New Year, I thought. It was not like this. I immediately flew to Reno where Jeremy was hospitalized and stayed there all week in the hospital with the family. I had lived the last two years with him in symbiosis, and that was right. Jeremy is not only my business partner but a close friend. He has tremendous strength. I challenge anyone to stay upright and active after all that he has been through. Do you think that the first thing he said when he woke up from the induced coma, still dazed, was: “Woe to you if you move the first of the series!” Jeremy is a true superhero!

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