Renzi: “Meloni Travel has failed, we are the only Labor party, alternative to government and opposition to subsidies”

One euro in culture, one euro in safety. there’s no point in doing this show in Kayvano unless sports grounds, oratories and after-school centers are built. Prime Minister? He installed Melons travel“. These are the words Matteo Renzi on the last day of the national holiday Italy Viva, at the Castle of Santa Severa in the province of Rome. “There is a problem, and you go on a journey,” the senator continues, “because for you the question is how it manifests itself. But leaving the G7 is not an option. There were photographs of all the leaders, Biden, Macron, etc., and there was also the Italian ambassador to Japan. Seven leaders and our ambassador Gianluigi Benedetti that he will save this photo. Meloni left because the press called her and she had to rush to Emilia-Romagna. So,” she continues, “she stood in line, put on her boots and went for a walk around the flood sites. Immediate result? The Prime Minister’s sympathy. But in four months not a single euro has reached the citizens, so next time, dear Georgia, spend a few more hours talking to Zelensky in Japan and ask the accounting department to find the money.”

Then “today we arrive at Meloni’s journey to Cutro, Caivano, Lampedusa. I believe that if we compare this with Count who signed Salvini’s decrees, we are well aware that Meloni will exceed the benchmark with less difficulty.” A government that “doesn’t deal with the solution” economic crisis. Yesterday I counted fruits and vegetables and they laughed at me. After spending €100 in the first months of 2021, the cost increased by 16% over two years and the volume of purchases decreased by 15%. So you buy less and everything costs more. Politicians are only talking about the minimum wage because it is a broad populist battle. We never talk about the middle class who can no longer cope.”.

Hence the invitation to a wide field of activity: “We have a huge problem, 65 thousand medical workers are missing and Schillaci was right when he asked for 4.5 billion. I have a broad message – it’s hard for me to name things that include Conte leaving – I say: we support health care. We are ready to work together on healthcare, we wrote that we need 37 billion from the ESM of healthcare, and therefore we will reduce the queues. Dear Conte, answer yes or no, and for Schlein: say yes or no. Dear policeman, are you fighting to get 37 billion to get money for healthcare?

Presentation of a new political project CenterRenzi repeats: “We are an alternative to the Meloni government and we are an alternative to this opposition. We are the party of labor.” because “if you don’t really do public works, all the subsidies go down the drain. In Sicily, it is hotels, not grills, that need 5 stars. An influx of quality must have an infrastructure; it is impossible for the journey from Palermo to Catania to take four and a half hours. Therefore, I provocatively say that it is better to cross the strait than to continue to provide income for citizens to fight poverty. Because 100,000 jobs on the Strait Bridge creates more employment opportunities.”

“Ah, but you want to join the majority,” they tell me. We are the only ones, he emphasizes, in opposition to the Georgia Meloni government, convinced that they are not doing anything for this country. Just as we stand firmly against the worst opposition we can imagine in this country, with Conte and Schlein. The center is an alternative to the party of subsidies and slogans, and we are the party of labor, we do not play pranks, but make proposals.”

About an emergency migrants: “The problem is being solved by the government in the style of the Mariuccia refuge. Salvini decides to call Le Pen: we need talent to look for the only ones who don’t want to make deals with us. What is Meloni doing at this moment? Call Ursula von del Leyen in Lampedusa while Le Pen speaks in Pontida. The goal is not to solve the problem, but open the European election campaign with industrial populism.”

Also a passage about the future Forza Italy: “Since Berlusconi is no longer here, Forza Italia is a party that hesitates every day on the issue of justice, look what is happening with wiretapping, one step forward and one step back… I’m sure my friend Thayani he won’t take it as a joke, but now it seems more than in Forza Italia”Maybe Italy”…”

“The center is a big bet for me, and I play for it. Seven million people voted in the referendum: let’s go and take them,” Renzi added. About Kalenda: “When Carlo Calendar A year ago he did not have signatures to participate in the elections, we gave them to him. And we gave him leadership and a name on all the lists. Who wants to put on the same level those who fought for the third pole and extended a helping hand, and those who destroyed it.” Hence the last message: “I accept all calls for internal democracy,” but in order to “learn democracy from those who had everything and leave at the first turn, my friends, clear wishes for all the best and great happiness… We are different What… “

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