Representative Luis Lopez: “To make a decision, I need the mayor’s jacket”

Luis Lopez, President of the Pontevedra Delegation

© Monica Patsolt

Luis Lopez, President of the Pontevedra Delegation

© Monica Patsolt

Luis Lopez, President of the Pontevedra Delegation

© Monica Patsolt

Luis Lopez, President of the Pontevedra Delegation

© Monica Patsolt

Luis Lopez, President of the Pontevedra Delegation

© Monica Patsolt

Luis López Diéguez (Rodero, 1978), born in the “Lugués” family, has been President of the Delegation of Pontevedra for 127 days. This time we need to secure additional resources for our next operation, and these two essential tools will materialize in our government operations.

The provincial office in Paso did not receive ponte vedra viva.

Why did you get involved in politics?

In college, there was an irmán who was a congressman, and like some football players or people who are getting taller and taller are always like, “No, it’s either him or it’s irmán.” He played Pontevedra CF Cana Ball players pass by and people say “No, or Beau Era or Ilman.” In this regard, it’s either boera or meu irmán.

No, 95-99, my irmán was a congressman, he was in trouble, he lived with another congressman in Santiago, he was very active, super Canero, in 2003 he told me “gee, look, Lugués, what are you, or what are so many of you proposing, and you say it’s easy to do…why don’t you look inside and get involved in the list?” I decided to get involved.

And there was no situation to kill time at all. Because I decided to give myself body and soul. Ringworm for 25 years. The mark, 27-28, is that the super-powerful mayor of Baixa disappeared from the mayor’s office while he was already raising parliament today. It happens every day in Viña de Santiago a Rodeiro.

Why not the Popular Party?

Ringworm or ringworm, of course. In law school, CAF and víñache Ana Pontón were like a “hammer”. In my group of friends, everything is left alone, even pranks. But this is a matter of principle, and I very much agree with PP. Family traditions also carry weight.

He served as mayor of Rodero for ten years and was Sunta representative of Pontevedra. How did these experiences come about?

They are not a person who thrives on change, but the fact that they are faced with a new project in a short period of time is fulfilling. They are different things and eventually you become motivated. It’s hard for me to take a step when you have to start from scratch. If you fall into a position of comfort, you end up in a position of reluctance, which you’ve never seen, not even as mayor, but you know it can happen.

He declared himself a “staunch municipalist” and was now the mayor’s mayor. What will the provincial council notice?

When I’m in this office or space making decisions, I put on the mayor’s jacket. I think, if you were the mayor or mayor, what would you do? What do I want to report to the delegation? That doesn’t just translate to minutes, what’s internal, but it doesn’t translate to the entire team that we put together.

We have 14 representatives, seven mayors, others with municipal experience or new administrations…that’s one of the multiple strengths of this government team.

At the same time, you are also the Provincial Chairman of the PPP. What are the conditions for this responsibility in managing delegations?

There is no N. I know how to differentiate, I believe or prove. Indeed, when he was appointed Chairman of the Representatives, he was congratulated by all the people of both parties. There is a reason for this. This is to prove that to me the mayors are all the same and I don’t differentiate between the two.

This summer, next year’s 2024 delegate conference will be approved. What will be the consequences of the actions of the Luis Lopez administration?

This is an important date for the approval of regulations enacted by this administration, which will take effect on January 1. First of all, we must reflect on the entirely municipal nature of these funds, with one euro out of every three, specifically €66 million, going directly to parliament. So from the beginning, as the logo, the second was developed in 24 years, as the remnants were merged, more money always ended up going to the council.

Logo Sport, we’re going to add 19%. The first plan we designed was a €4 million sports infrastructure. We made a big push on culture and grew 20%. On the tourism side, we had real growth of 1.1%, and I say real growth because there were two projects that leveraged European funding that served their purpose, so the game is down a little bit, but we are working hard to inject money.

We have a new important area, youth and demographic challenges, with €1.2 million allocated. In short, these are the areas where we will pilot projects, although we will touch on everything.

The previous government took a number of very significant actions, such as feminism, composting schemes, mobility policies and historical memory. Will there be continuity in these policies?

We do not deny anything, this topic often depends on the explanation that the opposition wants to give, which logically does not work, but we do not give up anything.

If something goes wrong, we take a different approach. Commissioning this orzamento does not constitute success or ISO’s decision to provide support. For example, during this eight-year recovery plan, nearly 20 million euros were allocated and 10 million euros were implemented. In the past few years, only 39% were implemented, but the average implementation rate was 44%. Therefore, it is useless for me to say I have $1 million to buy X if the flag is not enforced.

You can indeed remove these conclusions from this economic document, but that doesn’t mean you’re wasting investments in the environment, equality…

Regarding the issue of equality, you insisted that you did not want to make it a confrontational issue, do you think this happened during the previous administration of Carmela Silva?

Yes Yes. This is not just a matter of confrontation, but a platform for the president’s political advancement. Equality is horizontal, cannot be reduced to specific matters that it does not support, and cannot be used as a tool of confrontation. There must be unity. It cannot serve as a springboard for promotion for any politician. You have to be serious here.

In recent years, a series of moves have been put on track with Xunta, such as the transfer of Pazo de Lourizán to the School of Nursing and the School of Masonry. Will there be more? (Prince Felipe, Mouriscade Estate, Areeiro Phytopathological Station).

We are not revisionists. If something is good, we will continue to maintain it. Logically, there are things that are easy to cause pain and we have to work on them; we also have logos or our own projects.

Regarding transfers, we hope to develop an agreement with the Ministry of Education for the educational center in Prince Felipe. So we are working hard and moving forward, always considering the benefits that can be gained by everyone at the center.

Don’t be afraid of two things, or let’s say it involves security issues, the ownership issue of the two buildings becomes Xunta’s property, it’s who is responsible for the management after all, because it seems to be the most important too. successful. If there is a better facility or service than what they are capable of managing, we will fail at any time.

Let’s get capital. What is the relationship between the delegation and the Council of Pontevedra?

There was no understanding within the delegation of the city of Pontevedra as an institution and its significance. In the case of Concello, the Mayor of Pontevedra was one of the first people to invite me to a meeting, and this meeting required my even more absolute cooperation and institutional loyalty. That’s what we have to do. That is, put aside core politics and sit down and work on a common project.

It happened that the team included Vice President Rafa Dominguez, one of Pontevedra’s two main supporters in the House of Representatives, who had to do an active job. This will ensure important projects for the municipalities of Concello and Deputación.

Regional elections will be held next year. I think there’s some data that I won’t reveal.

It’s so awesome…

Faced with this important appointment, how will the responsibilities assumed by the Provincial People’s Government affect your work in the representative office?

Based on experience as a representative of the Xunta Territory combining delegations with party presidents, the pace of work of the administration (in this case, the representatives) cannot be limited by the electoral process. We are a panacea of ​​work, providing solutions and developing projects; and they are never limited by any electoral process for any gender.

what happens? Maybe instead of seven hours a year, you should sleep four hours.

I won’t intervene at all when regional elections are called, God knows, I don’t know when they will be held.

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