Research on multidrug-resistant bacteria

During the World Week to Combat Antibiotic Resistance, the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC) published the results of the study “SEIMC-BMR 2023” on multidrug-resistant bacteria. Some of the most relevant data suggest that by 2022, the number of deaths from such causes will be 20 times higher than those from traffic accidents.

Research on multidrug-resistant bacteriaResearch on multidrug-resistant bacteria

EPA Photo/Stephan C. Schuster, Jurgen Berg

In the framework of World Week to Combat Antibiotic Resistance, Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC) The results of the “SEIMC-BMR 2023” study were announced. This is the third edition of the Spanish Register of Multidrug-Resistant Infections.

The main conclusion of the study suggests that they will be dead by 2023 More than 23,000 people in Spain are infected with multidrug-resistant bacteria (MRB). Furthermore, these deaths occurred within 30 days of diagnosis.This number is 20 times higher than traffic accident deaths.

he Dr. Jose Miguel CisnerosThe coordinator of the study noted that “the results of this study are very similar to those obtained in 2018 and 2019, which makes them very consistent.”

“Thanks to 260 researchers from 130 participating hospitals spread across the country, which account for 40% of the nation’s available hospital beds, this study provides knowledge about the epidemiology, clinical and health management value of these infections. Bacteria,” the medical expert added.

An introduction to the study of multidrug-resistant bacteria.Image provided by SEIMC

Promotional meeting

this project Presented at the Madrid College of Physicians November 18 is the European Day for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics, within the framework of the International Day to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance.

It had the cooperation and assistance of Dr. Rafael Cantón, member of the scientific committee and moderator of the study. Likewise, it was delivered by Dr. Federico García, President of the Association, and Dr. Francisco Javier Membrillo, Vice-President of the Association.

International speakers such as Dominique Monnet, representing the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, also attended the meeting; Dr. José Ramón Paño-Pardo, representing the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, and EU spokesperson Barbara Mentre presented the European Plan to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance speech.


The ultimate goal of the research is Estimating the global burden of multidrug-resistant bacterial infections on health in Spain in 2023.This is going on Specifically analyzed were mortality rates 30 days after infection diagnosis and the number of years of life lost in patients who contracted these infections due to multidrug-resistant bacteria.

130 hospitals across Spain’s autonomous regions are involved in research on multidrug-resistant bacteria. This number represents 40% of the total available hospital beds.

In addition, the study was conducted by 260 researchers who collected data according to clinical standards.

The most shocking results show Approximately 150,000 infections occur each year, and more than 20,000 patients will die from multidrug-resistant bacteria within 30 days of diagnosis. this This number is 20 times higher than the number of traffic accident victims in 2022..

Professionals say the data is fairly consistent and very similar to the results in 2018 and 2019.

Research on multidrug-resistant bacteriaResearch on multidrug-resistant bacteria
Data from studies of multidrug-resistant bacteria.Image provided by SEIMC

Bacteria that have the greatest impact

Of all the types of bacteria we find, those that have The biggest impact is urinary tract infection, Escherichia coli ESBL and pneumonia.

From a clinical perspective, urinary tract infections are the most common, and Escherichia coli ESBL is the most common cause. Pneumonia, on the other hand, is the disease with the highest mortality rate.

at national level

The second part of the day’s research report focuses on national level. Therefore, the different positions of the groups involved Antimicrobial resistance is adequately managed in Spain.

The Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS), represented by Reyes Castillo, presented Results of the National Antimicrobial Program (PRAN).

On the other hand, Pedro Carrascal, Director of the Patient Organization Platform (POP), and Yolanda Cuesta, Manager of the Mutua de Terrassa Hospital, expressed the views of patients and health professionals.

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