review and who are the main characters

Seydoux and his cousin Moussa are not running from war, they have a loving family, a simple life, school, friends and social networks. And, like all teenagers, big dreams of fame, rap. They are convinced that Europe will welcome the two promising Senegalese musicians with open arms. They go crazy after having saved up a thousand jobs, they leave in secret: they know their mothers will stop them, they are scared to death of these journeys of hope. Moms…

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me captain was on my mind Matthew Garrone for a long, long time. He wanted to move the target from the barge to the promised land. He needed a true story, and he did many castings in Africa to find the main characters. Seydou Sarr and Mustafa Fall I am from Dakar. When they made the film, they were 17 and 18 years old. The first, very shy, never acted in his life, the second was engaged in theater at school. The Roman director didn’t even change their names. And he even took them home. In fact, he took them to his mom’s house. Both boys temporarily live with Signora Garrone in Fregene. Seydou plays football with the local team.

What are your dreams now?

Mustafa: Music is my main passion. I play and sing, my idols are John Legend and Beyoncé. And some Rihanna. I feel good in Fregen, but I would like to try my luck in America.

Seydou: I would like to continue playing football and acting.

What does your family tell you after this movie experience?

Mustafa: My mother told me: I’m happy for you, follow your dreams and don’t give up.

Seydou: They are proud. My mother did theater when she was little, and my older sister did cinema in my country.

And then you come and poof to the Venice Film Festival with one of the greatest Italian directors… (laughs). What did you give your moms for the movie money?

Seydou: I gave them all to him.

Mustafa: I bought her land to build a house.

Hardest scene?

Mustafa: When we part with him in the desert.

Seydou: In Morocco, when a woman dies in my arms. Two years ago I lost my dad, he died like this while I held him in my arms.

So far, communication has been quite difficult, Seydou only speaks Wolof. But when I ask him what position he plays in football, his eyes light up and he replies in Italian: “Punta! Come on, Osimhen…”

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