Ripatransone, a municipality in the Marche region in the province of Ascoli Piceno.

  • Ripa it is a medieval form of the word “rock”.
  • Transone the name of the founder of the castles Ripani.
  • Hypothesis that returned the toponym to the expression Ripa trans Asonem (“rock beyond Aso”) has apparently been refuted since 1827, when the historian Viccione emphasized its geographic and linguistic inconsistency. Others believed that Transone was the name of an ancient area. Instead, Garzoni traced it back to the Latin verb pass the (meaning the transfer of city leaders to the only castle built from the original four).

    Monuments and sights of Ripatransone
    • Church of Sant Antonio (1845-1846). Auditorium of St. Catherine.
    • Church of San Benigno. An ancient cathedral, of which only the bell tower remains.
    • Church of Santa Caterina d’Alessandria (“Sant’Agostino”), deconsecrated. It was used as a cinema in the 20th century and as a sacred art museum in the 2000s.
    • Church of the Immaculate Conception (“San Filippo”). The last parish church in the Aggello area was founded by the Oratorians at the end of the seventeenth century. It has a short plan of a Latin cross with one nave. It has side chapels with wooden decorations and altarpieces that are mostly from the early eighteenth century. The chapel of San Filippo houses a marble altar with hypothetical relics of the saint. Above the main altar is a statue of the Immaculate Conception by Fedele Bianchini (a student of Canova). The baptismal font (1930) is an early work by Uno Gera and was created on the occasion of the erection of a church in the parish. From Hera there are also two large bas-reliefs depicting the birth and death of Jesus.
    • Church of Santa Maria Magna (“San Francesco”). A building of the thirteenth century, it was attached to the monastery of minor monks and kept two commemorative plaques (one of them, dedicated to Giovanni da Ripa, fell into fragments and was restored in 1997). The monastery was converted into a civil hospital in 1810. The ruined church was converted into an orphanage in 1938. The 30-meter bell tower, repaired in the same year, has been preserved.
    • Church of San Michele Arcangelo (“Sant’Angelo”). Romanesque, with one nave, it houses paintings from the 15th and 16th centuries and a bowl-shaped baptismal font, which is the oldest in Ripatranson.
    • Courtyard of the Theater of Sources. Born in the nineties, this is an open-air theater overlooking the old public laundry in the medieval Complesso delle Fonti. It can accommodate more spectators than other urban structures and is used during the summer season for all kinds of performances, from opera productions to performances by contemporary artists and groups.
    • Teatro Luigi Mercantini, 19th century. It is located on the first floor of the right wing of the Palazzo del Podesta.
    • Ripatransone City Museum . It is located in the Palazzo Bonomi Gera and consists of five collections: the Art Gallery, the Gipsoteca Uno Gera, the Historical and Ethnographic Museum, the Luigi Mercantini Historical Museum in the Risorgimento and the Modern Art Gallery.
    Typical dishes and products of Ripatransone

    Among the specialties of Ripan cuisine, one can mention lumakoni (actually snails, in the dialect kukselu) and chavarro, a typical Piceno minestrone made from various legumes, akin to the virtues of Abruzzo and Umbrian imbrecciata.

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    This morning, in our greeting from the Kiss Kiss section, we spoke about Ripatransone, a municipality in the Marche region in the province of Ascoli Piceno, guided by the words of Councilor Stefano Fraticelli.

    Ripatransone, a municipality in the Marche region in the province of Ascoli Piceno.

    RipatransonMature in Ripano dialect, it is a small city of art with numerous museums, which thrives on tourism, furniture factories and agriculture, developing in the production of oil and wine. It has also been awarded the “Orange Flag” quality label by the Italian Touring Club and is called the “Orange Flag”. Belvedere Piceno for the wide panoramic view it offers.

    According to the now generally accepted thesis, the name of the city consists of two elements.

    • Ripa it is a medieval form of the word “rock”.
    • Transone the name of the founder of the castles Ripani.

    Hypothesis that returned the toponym to the expression Ripa trans Asonem (“rock beyond Aso”) has apparently been refuted since 1827, when the historian Viccione emphasized its geographic and linguistic inconsistency. Others believed that Transone was the name of an ancient area. Instead, Garzoni traced it back to the Latin verb pass the (meaning the transfer of city leaders to the only castle built from the original four).

    Monuments and sights of Ripatransone
    • Church of Sant Antonio (1845-1846). Auditorium of St. Catherine.
    • Church of San Benigno. An ancient cathedral, of which only the bell tower remains.
    • Church of Santa Caterina d’Alessandria (“Sant’Agostino”), deconsecrated. It was used as a cinema in the 20th century and as a sacred art museum in the 2000s.
    • Church of the Immaculate Conception (“San Filippo”). The last parish church in the Aggello area was founded by the Oratorians at the end of the seventeenth century. It has a short plan of a Latin cross with one nave. It has side chapels with wooden decorations and altarpieces that are mostly from the early eighteenth century. The chapel of San Filippo houses a marble altar with hypothetical relics of the saint. Above the main altar is a statue of the Immaculate Conception by Fedele Bianchini (a student of Canova). The baptismal font (1930) is an early work by Uno Gera and was created on the occasion of the erection of a church in the parish. From Hera there are also two large bas-reliefs depicting the birth and death of Jesus.
    • Church of Santa Maria Magna (“San Francesco”). A building of the thirteenth century, it was attached to the monastery of minor monks and kept two commemorative plaques (one of them, dedicated to Giovanni da Ripa, fell into fragments and was restored in 1997). The monastery was converted into a civil hospital in 1810. The ruined church was converted into an orphanage in 1938. The 30-meter bell tower, repaired in the same year, has been preserved.
    • Church of San Michele Arcangelo (“Sant’Angelo”). Romanesque, with one nave, it houses paintings from the 15th and 16th centuries and a bowl-shaped baptismal font, which is the oldest in Ripatranson.
    • Courtyard of the Theater of Sources. Born in the nineties, this is an open-air theater overlooking the old public laundry in the medieval Complesso delle Fonti. It can accommodate more spectators than other urban structures and is used during the summer season for all kinds of performances, from opera productions to performances by contemporary artists and groups.
    • Teatro Luigi Mercantini, 19th century. It is located on the first floor of the right wing of the Palazzo del Podesta.
    • Ripatransone City Museum . It is located in the Palazzo Bonomi Gera and consists of five collections: the Art Gallery, the Gipsoteca Uno Gera, the Historical and Ethnographic Museum, the Luigi Mercantini Historical Museum in the Risorgimento and the Modern Art Gallery.
    Typical dishes and products of Ripatransone

    Among the specialties of Ripan cuisine, one can mention lumakoni (actually snails, in the dialect kukselu) and chavarro, a typical Piceno minestrone made from various legumes, akin to the virtues of Abruzzo and Umbrian imbrecciata.

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