Rosa Chemical: “I brought a Liquid Saracino to 2023. Kids dance to my music”

Relive the interview with Rosa Chemical at Dedicis.

Rosa Chemical is with us!

“Hello boys!”

Do you know that the most offensive thing you’ve ever done is not being a porn actress, the lyrics of your songs, but it’s doing a cover of Renato Carrosone?

“It’s true. To change the meaning of that song so much, to adapt it seventy years later is really a crime.”

Why choose “Bello Guaglione”?

«The idea came from my producer, who was pressuring me to do this song for the summer. Summer “championships” are something else, the type of piece that comes out changes. His idea was to take the piece and look at it again. Then me and La Cava, who is a very good writer, made this journey about storytelling. The piece is the story of Sarrasino who wakes up in 2023 to a different world 70 years ago, where the mission lies in happiness being who we are, not the image we aspire to be. In a liquid society…”

A fluid sarcino.

«I didn’t mean what I call it, but it’s a fluid and fluid sarcasino that everyone likes: it’s free.»

You took a very famous song all over the world, there would be people who said to you “You are crazy, but you are sure”. How do people around you comment?

“I haven’t received too many negative reviews. In fact, I must say I can’t think of negative criticisms. The fear was that it might be risky to take a piece of destiny linked to the culture and history of Naples, because I took the risk of pretending to be someone I’m not, because I didn’t have destiny. What I wanted to do with the song was give it a different meaning, but on the surface I could sound like someone who Wants to be a good Neapolitan.”

Not your case.

“No. But often if people don’t go into things, they can appear to be something they’re not.”

Before Rosa, Sanremo, many people labeled you “bad” for the little ones. They also asked to exclude you from the festivities, along with the slogan “Let’s protect the children.” Indeed, you have entertained everyone.

“What I wanted to achieve Bellu Guaglione, Perhaps the verdict could have been the same before listening and understanding, but it was well accepted.

The little ones also appreciated you. A transversal audience, isn’t it?

« The range I’ve always intercepted is 18-24. Whereas now the children have grown a lot.

What do they tell you when you look at them? After all, children are synonymous with purity.

«They don’t have any prejudice, they don’t fear or filter. They see you for who you are. the kids are all dancing made in Italy, Parents also come closer to their children.

You got a good revenge.

“Come on, yes.”

Among other things, you have also created three street art works to donate the proceeds to the children of the San Donato Hospital in Milan and the Santobono Posillipone Hospital in Naples. tell us thisExperience?

“I am used to doing this kind of work, I have a strong connection with charity and help. I am lucky enough to know a girl named Chiara, who is in charge of putting artists and hospitals in touch for these initiatives I had this idea with him before I had my first concert: Since I had my stage and my time, why not use it to do something? Besides helping someone, do something of your own. showing. So I took these canvases, two spray cans, one pink and one black, and let the fans tell me what to draw. They told me everything: legs, bats, palm trees…»

And the proceeds went to these two hospitals.

“Yes, for cardiac surgery machines for children.”

Rosa your message is one of free love, without limits, without boundaries, without labels. But there is also music, and together with you we want to create a game where we want to break down barriers in the world of music. We’ll list fictional, made-up song titles, and you’ll need to tell us who you’ll be singing them with. The game is called “feat-ish”.


“50 Shades of Pink”, who will you be performing with?

“Me, Miss Keita and Achille Laroche.”

“on the loose”

«Giolier and I. He gives me that street. Geolier and Paki together.»

“Lady, Lemon”

“Me and Gigi D’Alessio.”

“San Remo 2024”.

“Me, Colapace and DiMartino.”

“You Want To Be American”

“Justin Biber.”

You are traveling to Italy, you have lots of dates, just check them out on your social network. Rosa Chemical was with us today!

“Thank you!”

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