IESS Quito Sur Hospital, one of the largest hospitals in the capital, has recorded an exponential increase in rotavirus cases among children.
Case acute gastroenteritis go through rotavirus exist children he Increase eventually grew exponentially two months inside IESS Quidonan Hospital.between January and June used to be 100 casesand only in August They will 207 infections, and 40% need Hospitalization go through Dehydration.
this reason of Increase,but doctor they combine it with school holiday political power Sierra Leone and the Amazon As shown, last week ended Karen MerloCoordinator of Pediatrics, IESS Hospital Quito Sur.
inside Baca Ortiz Pediatric Hospitalalso in the capital, other 109 cases positive aspects of rotavirusin the past two months.
Greta Munoz An infectious disease specialist at Vaca Ortiz Hospital points to some reasons:
in half private laboratory The trend continues with nationwide coverage rise.There is one in August Increase of 30%.Dangzai red crossJune is 7% and july 14%.
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The doctor recommends take an exam of laboratory When there is symptom of Vomiting and diarrhea. Anna Maria Unapucha, Red Cross doctors point out.
Is a disease This is transmitted via shit and contact hands and mouth.this doctor They demand extreme measures hygiene measures as handwashing.