Round-ups of thieves in garages and basements

Villains in action in a condominium on Via Oriani, in the Sant’Ambrogio area. But inside they did not find anything of value to take.

Night raid of thieves in the area of ​​Sant’Ambrogio Seregno. They set their sights on garages and basements, but the criminals were left empty-handed.

Garage thieves raid

At night we were driven into a dozen garages and several basements of an elegant condominium on Via Oriani, in the Sant’Ambrogio area. The intrusion began in recent days when unidentified individuals climbed over the gates of the access road and attacked several crates. To enter, they cut the sheet metal of the upper door and cut a hole through which they managed to turn the handle.

Also damage cellars

The criminals were probably not alone, they ransacked all the garages. They also opened several parked cars, using windows slightly rolled down for ventilation, but found nothing of value, not even in glove boxes. After going through the fire door, the criminals also got to four or five basements.

Nothing of value to steal

To get into the basements, the villains tore off the hinges on the doors, which they removed. But then again, there was nothing of value inside to carry away. In the condominium, where there are also many apartments empty for the holidays, no one heard strange noises at night. To find their way out empty-handed, the thieves damaged the lock of the front gate by plugging in electrical cables to open it. In recent weeks, a similar episode occurred in an apartment building in the city center.

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