Ryan Coogler and Michael B. Jordan’s secret vampire movie is coming to Warner Bros.

For the past month or so, major Hollywood studios have been vying for a new, top-secret project from director Ryan Coogler and his regular Michael B. Jordan. Initially rumored to be a vampire movie (and possibly a period piece), the project has finally found a home at Warner Bros., and today we’ll learn a little more about what it might mean.

Here’s what they had to say in The Hollywood Reporter:

“Details are currently being kept under wraps, but according to sources, the project is described as a period thriller involving the undead (some say it takes place in the Jim Crow-era South). Some sources say it also includes anime Influences β€” Jordan is known to be a huge fan β€” but it’s unclear how those influences factored into the project.”

First of all, it’s worth noting: THR’s report does not include the word “vampire,” while the description above does use the word “undead.” From where we stand right now, that could mean zombies just like it could mean vampires, but since all of the earliest reports and rumors about the project have focused on the latter, we’ll continue to assume that’s the case until Be confirmed otherwise.

It’s also worth noting that the film takes place in the “Jim Crow-era South.”All reports so far about Coogler and Jordan’s latest collaboration have suggested the film will be a period piece, but this is the first we’ve heard about it Which period when it could happen. A vampire movie set in the Jim Crow-era South sounds like a very compelling idea indeed.

THR’s report also says that Coogler and Jordan’s film, which has yet to receive an official title, is rumored to begin filming in New Orleans this April. If that’s the case, we should probably expect to hear a lot more about Coogler’s latest project (he also wrote the script), from more specific plot details to casting news. Stay tuned for these updates, guys! There is plenty to eat.

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