Ryanair cuts Sicily and Sardinia: “Government regulation is stupid, so domestic flights will cost more”

Cuts To domestic flights (after those who headed to Sardiniait will be up Sicily) it’s more international flights and routes departure from Milan and Bergamo this winter. This is what he announces Ryanair with the general director of a budget company, Michael O’Learywhich confirms the reduction in domestic flights in Italy.”Thank you‘ To legal decree of the Meloni government on expensive flights. “The decree will only lead to a reduction in flights and an increase in tariffs to Sardinia and Sicily,” warned the general director of the Irish company.

Decree defining “an idiotic, stupid and illegal act that should be reversed.” because “it is based on unnecessary data as well as false and inaccurate findings by ENAC, the Italian government body responsible for aviation safety. Ryanair, he emphasizes, will place a new B737 aircraft at each of Bergamo and Malpensa airports (with an investment of $200 million). Thus, the airline’s total fleet will reach 30.”creating more than 60 new high-paying jobs for pilots, flight attendants and engineers.”

Ryanair CEO in panic: “Although we are increasing the number of international routes to and from Milan this winter, Italy’s national growth is under threat due to an illegitimate Italian government regulation that restricts the freedom of airlines to set low fares on air tickets.” Then remember this “EU legislation guarantees companies the freedom to set prices as low or as high as they wish., and no Italian decree can limit this European law.” An “illegitimate” decree that “will harm domestic Italian air traffic by encouraging airlines such as Ryanair to reduce flights and capacity on domestic routes (which are subject to this illegal decree) and switch to more international routes to Milan or Rome and back. , where price freedom still exists.” The closure focuses on the impasse over the future of Ita-Airways. According to O’Leary, the agreement between Lufthansa and the Rome government will “soon” receive the green light from the EU Commission, the guarantor of competition, despite the turbulence of these hours. “On the other hand, Germany always gets what it wants.

Meanwhile, the ten new international destinations that can be reached starting this winter from Milan and Bergamo are Belfast, Brussels, Cluj and Iasi (Romania), Kaunas (Lithuania), Lanzarote, Lublin (Poland), Rovaniemi (Finland) ), Tenerife. and Tirana. Flights have also intensified on a further 30 routes, starting from Alicante, Barcelona, ​​Malaga, Marrakech, Valencia and Vienna.

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