Saddle by Adele Exarchopoulos

“Carmen”, a bright musical interpretation

The Mexican “Lumbrensueño” belt stands out in Venice.

Artistic path Adele Exarchopoulos if characterized by embodiment characters that go beyond the big picture thanks Sus mathematics and modifications; They are so human that it is impossible not to empathize with them. This is how it goes Pasajesabout the most recent film.

In this storydistributed in Latin America by MUBI, French actress plays Agathayoung teacher who greets you love affair with Thomas (Franz Rogowski), a film director who, despite being married to Martina (Ben Whishaw), if you need to rise for passion and build one new life is on your side.

The actress I dedicated about a place in the film industry to the main character Adel’s life (2013), belt winner Palma de Oropass it on with your own interpretation emotions which can be experienced while living This peculiar situation.

Build Abaniko sensationsExarchopoulos said above everything that revolved around the main characterescudriñando en su psique at the moment of acceptance understand his every move. One of them directors’ reports this time he told Forbes Life: it was Agatha’s dignitybecause of the altitude at which he was riding situations that need to be taken into account when making decisions.

Adele Exarchopoulos confirm that you are attracted to them stories your characters don’t like and who boards them little nothings of life. “Even among the banalities there are things very deep it could destroy us help us grow– signaled.

Photo: MUBI

One of them reasons why hicieron apostar por Pasajes it was an extraordinary work, which its director, Ira Sachsmade on such belts Brooklyn Village (2016) Keep the lights on (2012); There was that experience (something you may know during the trip) that I feel completely freeYou can always keep the sax open accept “accidents” who can give way individual ideas Where are they noted in the directory.

The actress confirms this. The world of cinema is a “great courtyard for relaxation”, where you can have fun experimenting with something new. Y follows eager to invade the common ayenos for those who are used to creating characters who hold it get out of your comfort zone.

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