Sales of flu and coronavirus tests and medicines surge in Córdoba

in these last few weeksdue to rebound influenza and other respiratory infections in the province. CordobaCordoban Pharmacy is registered Buy more tests Coronavirus and influenza, People affected by these viruses or colds buy these masks to avoid infecting their loved ones at Christmas parties and buy more masks with the same preventive purpose.

Likewise, pharmacies are noticing large purchases of medications used to combat symptoms of flu, colds and other respiratory infections.There used to be some pharmacies When several holidays come at the same time, Just like the situation on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day or Christmas Eve and Christmas Daysometimes running out of some of these medications.

Typical respiratory infection medications for these dates.

When this occurs, a similar medication is provided to the person who requested it, or They had to wait until another working day to get their medication What does this person want?

Pharmacy on duty

The College of Pharmacists of Córdoba emphasizes, among its Web page, At the door of the pharmacy, in the media, like this Diario CÓRDOBA Find out every day in other ways What pharmacies are on duty in the provincial capital and within the province?. specific, On December 31st and January 1st, a total of 18 pharmacies were on duty in the capital. Serving all communities, whether more and more pharmacies are open 12 hours a day or don’t close until 1am.

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