Salta starts flu vaccination campaign – Salta

Public Health Minister Federico Mangione officially launched the province’s flu vaccination campaign at Tatagal Hospital, with the hope of administering a total of 300,000 doses of vaccine in 2024.

Salta starts flu vaccination campaign – Salta

On Friday, Salta Public Health Minister Federico Mangione officially launched the province’s influenza vaccination campaign at the Juan Domingo Peron Hospital in Tatagal.

During the 2024 campaign, Salta received the first batch of 63,000 doses of the vaccine from the National Ministry of Health, of which 29,160 are for children, 25,440 for adults and 8,400 recommended for people over 65 or with medical conditions. Potential.

The first batch of vaccines has been distributed to all operational areas for mass immunization through health facilities in hospitals and health centers, health posts, vaccinations and in the homes of the rural population.

A total of 300,000 doses are expected to be administered, covering target groups, namely high-risk groups, to whom the vaccine has been provided free of charge since it was included in the national vaccination calendar in 2011.

Influenza vaccination reduces complications in high-risk groups, thereby reducing the need for hospitalization, death, and sequelae from influenza virus infection.

Free dose available for:

• health personnel
• Pregnant women, at any time during pregnancy
• Postpartum women, within 10 days after delivery
• Children 6 to 24 months old
• Over 65 years old
• People between 2 and 64 years of age with risk factors.

Consider risk factors:

• Respiratory Diseases
• heart disease
• Immunodeficiency
• HIV infection
• High doses of immunosuppressive drugs or corticosteroids
• Functional or anatomic asplenia
• Severe malnutrition
• Oncology, hematology and transplant patients
• Diabetics
• Chronic renal failure (CKD) patients who are receiving or requiring dialysis
• People who are obese or have a body mass index (BMI) greater than 40 (these do not require a doctor’s prescription)
• Severe delay in sexual maturation in children under 18 years of age
• Genetic syndromes, neuromuscular disorders with respiratory compromise and severe congenital malformations
• Chronic treatment with acetylsalicylic acid in children under 18 years of age
• Cohabitants or close contacts of patients with oncology and hematology diseases
• Cohabitants of premature infants weighing less than 1500 g.

Public security and armed forces personnel will also be able to receive the vaccine free of charge, subject to vaccine availability. Remember, the flu shot can be given with or at any time apart from other vaccines, including the COVID-19 vaccine.

Information Sources: government of salta

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