Salud Colima: Vaccines prevent pneumonia and prevent deaths

* The state agency reiterated that the condition is more common in the winter.


Colima – Protecting children under five and the elderly with vaccines against Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib), influenza, pneumococcal, Covid-19 and pertussis is the most effective way to prevent pneumonia and be able to avoid infection Colima The Maryland State Health Secretariat reiterated that the disease resulted in death.

In the framework of “World Pneumonia Day”, the national agency said that this is an acute disease in which inflammation of the lungs is caused by fungal, viral or bacterial infection and is more common in winter. Help prevent infection by washing your hands frequently with soap and water or using alcohol gel, coughing or sneezing, covering your nose and mouth with your arms, wearing a mask, ventilating and allowing sunlight into your home, office and any gathering place.

Certain factors increase the likelihood of pneumonia in girls and boys: malnutrition, low birth weight, non-exclusive breastfeeding, overcrowding, incomplete vaccination programs and exposure to tobacco and wood smoke: whereas in the adult population, their Age over 65 years, smoking, alcohol abuse, chronic disease, lack of pneumococcal vaccination, and exposure to tobacco and wood smoke.

He recalled that the most common symptoms of pneumonia were: cough with phlegm or pus, fever, chills and difficulty breathing, although pneumonia was more common in infants and young children, people over 65, and people with existing health or immune system problems. Symptoms may be more severe or less severe.

Therefore, the Ministry of Health emphasizes the importance of monitoring the signs and symptoms of pneumonia. If symptoms and signs of pneumonia are detected, you must seek medical treatment immediately and, most importantly, do not self-medicate.

He mentioned that there were more than 127,000 newly diagnosed cases of pneumonia and bronchopneumonia in Mexico in 2021, mainly affecting people at the extremes of life: children under 5 years old and adults over 65 years old, although it occurs at any age. Pneumonia is the single largest cause of death among children globally, killing nearly one million children under the age of five each year.

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