São Paulo combines agriculture and environment to expand avian influenza control – O Presente Rural

Starting from the Second Expo (25), rural producers of Gauchos who cooperate with animal production agribusiness will be able to use the System of Defense of Agriculture (SDA) or online producers to make annual herd declarations and adjust the balance of both animals.

The new tool allows producers to declare directly in the system, adjust their herd balance, confirm receipt of Animal Transit Guidelines (GTA), report births, deaths, consumption, losses and evolution without having to visit an inspection or defense desk for agricultural reference.

To access the annual Declaração de Banho, producers only need to enter SDA (Producer Online) normally, for example, with the same login and senha used when launching GTA. The new module features a responsive layout for mobile phones and tablets and can be accessed on these devices as well. This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for making a declaration.

If you do not have access to an online producer, you can make a request to the Inspection or Agricultural Defense help desk. IDA and EDA will continue to make annual cattle declarations in a face-to-face format.

The annual Cattle Declaration online module, which was due to be launched next year, has been completed and functional in time for the 2023 Declaration, which closes on 31 October.

As of September 18, the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Sustainable Production and Irrigation (Seapi) expected to receive 380,000 declarations, but only 40% had been received.

structure and purpose
The annual herd declaration is a hygiene obligation for rural producers working with animal production agribusiness. It has producer identification form and property characteristics. Specific forms must be pre-filled for each animal species raised on the farm (e.g. horses, pigs, cattle, birds, fish, etc.).

In the property description table there are fields such as the location of the farm, the main activities carried out on the property and the somatória of the entire area in hectares as well as livestock exploration. The specific form of the animal poses tasks regarding the purpose of reproduction, type of exploration, classification of attributes, type of handling, etc.

Data collected from the annual herd declaration allows us to outline a more complete picture of livestock production in Rio Grande do Sul, helping to maintain the health of the state’s herds and informing current animal health programs and other public projects. subsidy. Policies and guidance.

Source: Assessoria Seapi

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