SAS does not rule out resurgence of influenza and respiratory virus outbreaks from Thursday

Andalusia’s health indicators related to influenza A and other respiratory viruses are better than the Spanish average, showing that the number of infections has continued to decline for the second consecutive week and has fallen below 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.However, since Andalusian Medical Service (SAS) The caution remains, and a possible rebound starting from Thursday cannot be ruled out.

General Manager of Public Health Department, Jorge Del Diegoguaranteeing that “this week and next will be key to observe the evolution of infections in Andalusia, following the high transmission rates of influenza A viruses and other viruses recorded during the Christmas period due to an increase in social interactions and family and work gatherings.” He explains “These days we will see whether this downward trend is confirmed or, on the contrary, there will be some rebound starting from this Thursday, which we cannot rule out,” he said.

Although Seville’s hospitals are under great pressure due to high frequency, especially on the emergency services side (El Virgen del Rocío is in the third and final phase of its emergency plan), Valme has experienced two very difficult weeks is slowly improving), but Seville, like the rest of Andalusia, has one of the lowest infection rates in Spain Spain.Valencia, Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao Their emergency services collapsed much more severely. “In closed places, the more social interaction there is, the greater the spread of influenza viruses and other viruses, whereas in Andalusia, due to the milder climate, this interaction occurs more in the streets and open spaces, but in these places , the situation is not that serious.” Jorge Del Diego said it is easy to get infected. Although more detailed analysis is needed, this may be an explanation for the lower incidence.

What’s happening in hospitals right now is largely related to what happens over the Christmas holidays, when there’s usually a spike in infections. «It is worth noting that a similar situation occurred last year, with a high incidence of respiratory viruses. The incidence rate in Andalusia is lower than the Spanish average and almost replicates the 2022 incidence rate. Our peak was 600 cases and this year we have reached 525 cases per 100,000 residents. “

Peak 600 cases

Cases peaked at 600 in early February last year, but a second wave emerged in late February and early March that was as dramatic as in other Spanish communities.

ministry of health Please evaluate all of these indicators before making any final decisions regarding the obligation to use masks in health centers. Currently, this obligation imposed by the Ministry of Health remains in force. «It is necessary to fully understand the trends before taking a decision, because taking a decision now and having to change it a few days later will be counterproductive Because the infection has rebounded. It is better to wait for confirmation of the downward trend before making a decision,” Jorge del Diego said.

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