Satse condemns generals for starting flu season without 318 committed positions

Valencia (EP). Satse Valencia this Friday condemned the Ministry of Health for “still failing to fulfill” its commitment to create 318 new structural positions for the CHGUV Consortium of General University Hospitals of Valencia as the 2023 influenza, cold and coronavirus season is about to begin.

In addition, the union said in a statement, In December, 129 reinforcement professionals hired since May had their contracts terminatedTherefore, he worries that during the wave of respiratory diseases, the center “will not have the professional staff to deal with these epidemics.”

Satse emphasized that the 2023 general budget established a budget item to establish 318 structural positions for CHGUV, “but now it is September, these structural positions have not yet been established, so there is a structural deficit for CHGUV.” At the end of this year, when the reinforcements are The situation will worsen when the contract ends on December 31. ” he explained.

As these positions have not yet been created, 129 professionals (71 nurses, 39 TCAEs, 11 guards and 7 doctors) were hired in May 2023 with contracts expiring on 31 December 2023 .

To this end, the nursing union called on the Ministry of Health to create 318 new structural positions “as soon as possible” so that the general hospital “has sufficient guarantees to provide services to patients in the months with the largest influx of patients.” population. “.

In winter, the average influx of patients in the hospital’s emergency room is 450/500 cases per day, with the peak number of emergency cases reaching 600 per day. This situation has been experienced in previous years, and “among them” the hospital management and the Ministry of Health are fully aware of this. a little. “

Along those lines, he added that for employees whose contracts were terminated in December, CHGUV management “often continually changes their positions, in many cases modifying their shifts over the phone and with less than 24 hours’ notice, which makes It is impossible for them to reconcile work and family life.

“They were used to pay for holidays, sick leave, licenses etc. and if that was not enough, they were forced to take leave for a period set by management. This situation caused great discomfort and feelings of abuse among these personnel, Many workers are considering resigning before their contracts are terminated in December, even though they know they may be penalized in the ministry’s employment exchanges, and many are unwilling to return to consortium work because of the treatment they received,” the union assured.

To this end, SATSE calls on the new Minister of Health to: Marciano Gomez”, β€œIn order to create 318 new structural places as quickly as possible so that the Consortium of Hospitals of the Province of Valencia can cope with the medical pressure caused by respiratory diseases in the coming months. “

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