Scientists are working on a universal vaccine against multiple coronaviruses, such as COVID-19

A universal vaccine against COVID-19.
They study influenza viruses to develop a new universal vaccine against COVID-19.
Rocio Lopez Fonseca

Rocio Lopez Fonseca 5 minutes

Researchers from the University of Guadalajara, the La Jolla Institute for Immunology and the University of North Carolina will assist scientists Designing and improving vaccines against various coronavirusesOne of the people said, including SARS-COV2 and its variants researcher’s University Health Sciences Center and one of the authors of the publication, José Ángel Reguera Nava, Who says this vaccine will be universal.

Scientists have also made an important discovery confirming that exposure to common cold coronaviruses can provide some immunity against SARS-CoV-2, That is, whoever gets this type of flu develops defenses against COVID-19.

According to the investigation results, previous contact with common cold coronavirus seems partially protected Mice were protected from lung injury and development of pneumonia during subsequent SARS-CoV-2 infection.

they found one of four coronaviruses The virus that causes the common cold can build immunity and prevent severe symptoms from COVID-19.

One of four coronaviruses that cause the common cold can create immunity against Covid19
One of four coronaviruses that cause the common cold can create immunity against Covid19

New vaccine design is possible Thanks to this discovery, they demonstrated that in this immunity the cells involved in mediating this protection are so-called T cells, specifically called CD4 cells.

so they can develop new vaccinewith this information New but more versatile vaccines could be developed Fight against coronavirus, e.g. SARS-COV2 and its variantsIn addition to SARS-COV1, there is MERS (if it reappears) and even other individually caused coronaviruses. common cold.

The results, published in the professional journal Nature Communications, demonstrate that the OC-43 coronavirus, which causes the common cold, has Preventing Covid19 We demonstrated this in transgenic mice.

Their existence is known to all Four coronaviruses lead to 30% of common cold One of them is capable of producing cross-immunity, but what does that mean?

What is cross immunity

When our bodies are exposed to microorganisms and We acquire immunity to this microbethen we We are exposed to a second microorganism In this case, it was SARS-COV2, which had prior immunity acquired through exposure to the first microorganism and showed slight protection.

This discovery is very important because the current vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna and other companies all use the S protein as the target of vaccine design, but we have proven that the M protein and N protein of the virus have obtained possible protection.That said, they could be the design of new vaccines

Virologist Regla Nava’s multidisciplinary team begins investigating Genetically modified mice Produces the same T cells (lymphocytes) as humans.

From there they began looking for similarities between different types of coronaviruses and found that COVID-19 and The four types of common cold have similar structures, mainly OC43, Its proteins can provide immunity, leading to. Symptoms and mortality from the disease decreased among study subjects.

We infected transgenic mice with OC43; upon first infection, they develop immunity that protects the mice when they are infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The results of this experiment show Reduce road damages breath, therefore, Lower chance of getting pneumonia or lung damage, which is very important in COVID-19 disease. ”

This finding can be partially explained by, Why do some people develop Mild or asymptomatic clinical manifestations because their exposure to OC43 coronavirus helps them develop stronger immunity to the new coronavirus.

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