Scientists reveal ultimate trick to stop hiccups

he hiccup It consists of a series of involuntary spasms of the diaphragm (the muscle between the lungs and stomach, involved in each breath), followed by a quick, loud closure of the glottis (the opening between the vocal cords) to stop speaking. lung.These episodes are usually last few minutes,maybe it’s because Stimulates the nerves that control the diaphragmAccording to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, this can happen for a variety of reasons:

  • eating too much or too quickly
  • eating hot or spicy food
  • drink alcoholic beverages
  • drink carbonated drinks
  • A disorder that stimulates the nerve that controls the diaphragm
  • feeling nervous or excited
  • stomach bloating
  • certain drugs
  • abdominal surgery
  • metabolic disorder
  • central nervous system disease

How to stop hiccups?

persistent hiccup attack less than 48 hours They are usually not a cause for concern. However, there are many remedies that can help eliminate it. While these haven’t been tested in scientific research, they’re safe and easy to apply, so there’s no harm in trying them.According to the MSD manual, these include Increase the level of carbon dioxide in the blood Examples include holding your breath or taking a deep breath into a paper bag instead of a plastic bag.

Other methods focus on stimulate the vagus nervelikes to drink water quickly; eats dry bread, granulated sugar, or crushed ice; gently pulls the tongue out; stimulates nausea; and gently rubs the eyes.

Additionally, there are other methods such as Valsalva maneuver Might be another very effective trick to thwart these attacks.

The Valsalva Maneuver, a Very Effective Hiccup Relief Remedy

The technique involves effort Exhale without letting air escape through your nose or mouth. You have to inhale relatively deeply and exhale forcefully, with the glottis closed, for 10-15 seconds. Here are the steps to follow:


Inhale, then close your mouth and cover your nose.


Close your mouth and nose, expel the air and press for 10-15 seconds.


Open your mouth and exhale.


If the hiccup doesn’t go away, repeat the procedure.

When should you worry about hiccups?

this persistent hiccupsover 48 hours, sometimes with more serious cause. As the Merck Manual explains, the diaphragm can be irritated by waste products that build up in the blood during pneumonia, chest or stomach surgery, or kidney dysfunction (uremia). That way, when it occurs for any of these reasons, it tends to persist until they are corrected.

In rare cases, when Cerebral respiratory center is affected A brain tumor or a stroke, in these cases it can be difficult and even exhausting to stop.

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