Screening aimed at eradicating hepatitis C aims to reach 40,000 Ourenses annually by 2025

“We encourage people to Actively participate in this screeningto eliminate the assumes a huge health benefits individual and collective”, emphasizing Elizabeth PeaseIn charge of the microbiology service in the health sector of the province of Ourense, about the Sergas program early detection and treatment Hepatitis C.

The Directorate General’s strategy targets a target group of people born between 1964 and 1983 – they have Between 40 and 69 years old– According to research, presented age group More cases of this disease of viral origin. The Sergas program will run for three years: this year, people born between 1964 and 1973 will be screened; The target group will be those born between 1974 and 1983.

Based on their microbiological calculations, in the province of Ourense, for example, about 40,000 people will be screened each year. Tests began last May.

People in the age group of the target group in each of the three years, Go to primary care or hospital for consultation and ask for a blood test, they will be informed in detail about strategies against hepatitis C and asked to informed consent Orally.Viruses are measured in blood test.

A robot for analyzing hepatitis C samples.

The Sergas program is based on the following facts: Early diagnosis also contributes to early cure, in addition to slowing down the transfer speed. Hepatitis C is inflammation of the liver caused by a virus. It is the most important cause of chronic liver disease and a public health problem.

sometimes, The disease may go unnoticed even self-healing, but In other cases, the consequences can be seen in the long runin the form of Cirrhosis, liver cancer, or chronic hepatitis. Most people with hepatitis C are asymptomatic, but others may experience fatigue, fever, nausea, abdominal pain or yellowing of the skin after infection, Sergas said.

“It is believed that up to 30% of people who are carriers of the hepatitis virus are unaware that they are the ones we want to find and treat before the disease progresses to more serious cases”

“One in four new diagnoses has advanced disease, presenting as cirrhosis and sometimes hepatocellular carcinoma,” said Isabel Paz. “Now, New antiviral treatment has highly beneficial effects During the evolution of the disease, because they achieve a sustained response, the cure rate is as high as 95% or more”, the expert emphasized.

“It is believed that up to 30 percent of people with hepatitis virus are unaware, and we want to find and treat them before their disease progresses to more severe cases.”

Analyze up to 100 patients simultaneously

As Dr. Ricardo Arcay explained, Diagnostic procedures include detection of viral RNA Detecting Hepatitis C Using a Sample Cell “collection”the system allows the analysis of 100 patients simultaneously, providing greater efficiency without loss of diagnostic capacity.

Those who test negative will receive a Ministry of HealthOn their phones, as is the case with COVID-19 screening during the pandemic. positive case will be communicated directly to the patient Priority appointment for referral to gastroenterology consultation.

Staff at the Department of Microbiology, Ourense Hospital.

dangerous practice

Hepatitis C is transmitted by blood from an infected person.Are there any risk factors syringe sharing drug use, execution tattoo or pierced Use of wrongly sterilized material, or risky sexual behavior involving bleeding.there are others Less frequent routes, such as from a mother with the virus to the fetusor shared use of razor blades or brushes in household areas.

People who request testing, or if their clinical background and risk factors justify testing, will be studied according to our usual protocol. All pregnant women must be screened for the detection of antibodies to hepatitis C virus first three months pregnancy.

Microbiology adds more than 558,000 PCRs in Ourense since 2020 to diagnose COVID-19

In microbiology, Surveillance for Respiratory Virus Infectionforming part of “Sentinel Network”, in coordination with the Directorate General of Public Health. “There is a Diagnostic Capabilities Increase as Pandemic and technical improvements have been made to meet the growing demands of molecular biology diagnostics”, explains Isabel Paz.

Isabel Paz, director of microbiology at Ourense Hospital.

since SARS-CoV-2 – Viruses that cause disease Coronavirus– Entering 2020, Microbiology has performed more than 558,000 PCR tests in Ourense, according to data on the coronavirus published on the Sergas website. overcoming health emergenciesCurrently, PCR is still performed when: clinical suspicion of respiratory infection For adults or children, vulnerable patients, or When a Community OutbreakFor example, elderly homes or hospital floors where some cases were found.

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