Sea lions infected with bird flu: they recommend staying off the beach and avoiding contact with animals

The National Produce Health and Quality Service (Senasa) announced on Monday that the Three new positive cases under bird flu outbreak this will affect sea ​​lion in Argentina.

According to their specific instructions, the infection was detected in the town of Buenos Aires claromeko and saint blaiseand in San Antonio East, Rionegro.

According to recent surveys, the number of infections in marine mammals has increased significantly in recent years, so Advice to avoid beaches and affected areas.

“The findings are in response to the country’s surveillance operations and health measures across the country. Declaration of a state of emergency through Senasa Resolution No. 147/2023’, Télam’s detailed official source.

The first sirens sounded in the Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego, in early August. over there, 21 sea lions A single hair (Otaria flavescens, scientific name) they were found dead at various points along the coast.

Given the suspicion, samples were sent to Senasa National Laboratory, which Seven of them tested positive for the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5 virus.

As the days go by, they start seeing each other More dead sea lion specimens. As a result of the analysis of the bodies and the autopsy, the city of Buenos Aires reported an avian influenza infection. Necochea, located south of Puerto Blanca in Villarino, Puerto Loyola (Santa Cruz), Viedma (Rio Negro), Piramide Puerto Rico (Chubut) and the city of Mar del Plata, province of Buenos Aires. Subsequently, three more positive cases confirmed yesterday were added.

Steps taken by Senasa before bird flu was found in marine mammals

They clarified from the organism that “if an animal is found to show signs of stress or death,” one must “Avoid direct contact and notify Senasa immediately“. This communication can be done at a local office, through the Senasa website, by email or by calling (11) 5700 5704.

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