Seasonal vaccination against influenza and covid-19 has begun — DNOTICIAS.PT

The seasonal vaccination campaign against covid-19 and influenza will begin the next day, September 25, with priority given to health and civil protection professionals, patients hospitalized in health facilities and pregnant women. 254 doses of vaccine were administered in the first two days, 85% of which were anti-flu vaccines.

Although the WHO (World Health Organization) declared the Covid-19 pandemic over on 5 May 2023, evidence strengthens the case for seasonal vaccination against Covid-19, influenza emerges as vaccines adapt to circulating virus strain.
Regional Health Bureau

Starting with the second fair on October 2, seasonal vaccinations will be available at multiple health centers for all priority groups, including those over 55 and those with chronic medical conditions. “Health centers offer free vaccinations without an agenda, so people must be informed of the preferred vaccination schedule at the health center in their area of ​​residence,” the message was not conveyed.

It is strongly recommended that designated groups receive free seasonal influenza and covid-19 vaccines:

– Persons aged 55 or above;

– People with chronic illnesses, immunocompromised conditions or specific conditions that increase vulnerability to serious illness and its complications;

– Pregnant;

– professionals in the health sector and other care providers (social sector, children and pre-school education);

– Persons in specific settings (e.g., residents in institutions, interns in health units, teachers supporting family services, and professionals in critical services).

Both vaccines can be given at the same time, preferably at the end of the year, so the regional health bureau is calling on people to take part in vaccinations and plan their visits to health centres.

Seasonal vaccinations for fall and winter 2023/2024 aim to “reduce the risk of severe illness, hospitalization and death from influenza or covid-19 in our communities and develop strategies to protect vulnerable populations and mitigate the impact of these disease incidence rates” “In Society Regional Health System”, referring to the instructions sent.

A promotional campaign targeting different groups with the message “The virus is coming, protect yourself!” It will also be promoted by the Regional Health Directorates and disseminated in the most digital and physical environments of health units and various partner entities.

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