Second National Sanitation Day 2023 begins at CDMX

Second National Sanitation Day begins in Mexico City, called “Healthy community, strong community”From Tuesday, November 7, to the 17th of the same month, the vaccination program for girls and boys aged 0 months to 9 years will begin and be completed.

There are Application areas With the participation of 232 fixed points and 166 semi-fixed points of health centers and 282 brigades, 130,257 doses of biological agents BCG, hexavalent vaccine, DPT, hepatitis B, rotavirus, pneumococcal, SRP, SR, Chickenpox, Hepatitis A and TDPA.

In addition, various actions will be carried out such as identification of diabetes, hypertension, and detection of cervical, breast and prostate cancers and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.

with them you seek strengthen In the capital, it is promoted through completely free services, mainly targeting the most vulnerable groups, said the capital’s Health Minister Oliva López Arellano, who launched the strategy at the Ixtacalco mayor’s office. Health and prevention of disease.

“I invite everyone to come and enjoy these services common and our free National Public Health Day events deployed across all jurisdictions in Mexico City. Timely prevention and detection are crucial. “The official said.

As a bonus, on the second day, there will be a special event attention inside Dog rabies vaccination and Cats496,000 doses of vaccine were administered to companion animals.

These will be added to the 377,000 applied for in the first half of 2023, “across the city we will have a total of 873,000 pet Be protected this year,” commented Jorge Ochoa Moreno, general manager of Mexico City’s Public Health Service.

In this sense, the capital’s environmental and territorial planning lawyer (PAOT), Mariana Boy Tamborrell applauds the teamwork between agencies to benefit companion animal health.

“The total is effort To enable us to commit to public health and animal welfare, these rights and safeguards must be respected Attend” added the boy Tamborel.

this working days The event will be held from November 7 to 17 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm at all health centers in the network, the locations of which can be found at the link:


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