In the TV series Secret Invasion MCU debut Emilia Clarke AND Ben Mendelsohnas reported in an article in the Los Angeles Times, was especially happy to film with her, being a big fan Game of Thrones.
Talos’ translator actually admitted to seeing the series based on George R.R. Martin’s novels from the first to the last episode, four times.
Ben then said that on set with his co-star, the right feeling immediately arose, creating the perfect intimacy for their interpretation.
Then Mendelssohn added that during breaks he spent time with Emilia:
We sat on the bench and just talked about what it’s like to grow up as an actor because we both started very young. We were good to each other, and that in itself seemed like magic.
Director Ali Selim then spoke about the work done with the Game of Thrones star, explaining:
Being on set with her, I’m amazed at her ability to access what I call “human truth” and show it in every dialogue, in every raising of an eyebrow. I can’t look at her without feeling she can do something.
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Source: Los Angeles Times.