Secret NATO General Stoltenberg announced for Russia

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced that NATO President Bosnia Hershkin assumed his duties in Sarabosna the next morning. The leaders of Stoltenberg and Christo Gorsmai illuminated the Dosenli planting bed. “Bosnia and Herzegovina is fighting and fighting Russia and completely killing Russia,” Stoltenberg said. However, it is not possible to change the size of the phone. You are the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one”

NATO Bosnia and Herzegovina is looking forward to Stoltenberg’s departure, “We have been notified of this matter by its owner.” I have no idea how to use it completely, I can’t help but feel old. Bu nedenle de is birliğini, siyasi dialoğu ve fiili iş birliğini derinleştiriyoruz” ifadelerini kullandı.
Saraibosnadaki NATO NATO NATO (AB) Althea A mission like this Stoltenberg attacked, “The primary mission is to strengthen international cooperation and Milletler Güvenlik Conseyi’nde bu Missionun süresinin uzatılmas ına destek veriyoruz” şeklinde konuştu.

The transatlantic secession of Bosnia and Herzegovina was annulled by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Secretariat, leading to the reshaping of its structures and the strengthening of its overall capabilities through enhanced capabilities and effectiveness. After Bosnia Herzegovina announced that the Worm had infiltrated Stoltenberg, Bosnia and Herzegovina decided to add more Worm to its territory.

Stoltenberg in the Sarabosna offensive on the Butmir Kiselasi border, and NATO joins another visit.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Stoltenberg, NATO Balkans, Kosovo, Serbia, and Macedonia visit the region. Stoltenberg controlled Kosovo, Serbia, and Macedonia. Stoltenberg’in çarşamba günü ise bölgedeki nato üyesi ülkelerin liderleri arnavutluk başbakanı edi rama, hırvatistan cumhurbaşkanı zoran milanovic, caradağ başaı miloj. Da Iştirak Ede Here is Planlanıyor for agriculture.

(tags for translation) Stoltenberg

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