SEDESA calls for vaccinations to prevent hepatitis A and strengthen hygiene – La Prensa

Ministry of Health (SEDESA) invites public to step up hygiene measures and participate in events Free Hepatitis A Vaccination at 233 Health Centers Mexico City made the above provision within the framework of the World Day to Combat the above-mentioned Diseases.

In Mexico City, as of July 26 this year, there have been reports of 689 Cases of Hepatitis A Infection; In hepatitis B, documented 52 cases; in case of hepatitis C 191until April of this year.

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depend on, through Mexico City Public Health Serviceproviding universal free testing and medicines to patients in need, and providing training for health personnel to educate people about the disease.

To prevent the spread of the virus in the population, SEDESA started a hepatitis A vaccination campaign for one-year-old girls and boys this year.

Immunizations are given in health centers, children’s day care centers and nurseries in 16 mayoral districts, and Suitable for children aged 1 to 8 in households working in the agricultural sectorespecially in Milpa Alta, Xochimilco and Trahuac.

The most common symptoms are as follows: Sudden fever, malaise, loss of appetite, nausea, stomach pain, dark urine, and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes), so it is recommended to see a doctor if you notice them.

hepatitis is inflammation of the liver It is usually caused by viruses, including five viruses A, B, C, D, and E, which can cause acute and chronic infections, Lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer and even death.

Hepatitis A and E are usually caused by ingestion of contaminated food or water, while hepatitis B, C and D are usually caused by contact with an infected person.

Of the latter three modes of transmission, the most common forms of transmission are transfusion of contaminated blood or blood products; use of contaminated equipment for invasive medical procedures; and use of contaminated equipment for invasive medical procedures. In the case of hepatitis B, it can be passed from mother to child during childbirth or through sexual contact.

SEDESA urges people, if they experience any of the above symptoms, to go to the health center closest to their home, workplace or school, where they will be treated by a free doctor.

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