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Get married, have children, take care of their upbringing and home care. This is exactly what British women aspired to in the late 19th century.

The fact that one of the Victorias occupied the throne did not imply a huge advance for the other half of the population. As a result, women have no right to vote, sue, and if they are married, cannot own property.

Education was a luxury for those who belonged to the disadvantaged classes, and although they were included in the labor market, especially in textile factories, their wages were lower than those of men, although they often faced harsher conditions than they did.

As far as upper class women were concerned, education was available to them, but only in certain fields, and the possibility of working and pursuing a career was not fully appreciated.As if the above were not enough, they are also not allowed to engage in physical activity as it is considered pose a risk to their reproductive capacity.

However, this is starting to change due to the attitude of women Florence Caroline Dixie, A Scottish nobleman, headed by 1894 england women’s football club (BLFC), today considered the UK’s premier women’s football team.

Portrait of women at London's first football match in 1895.

Dixie took over the presidency of the English Women’s Football Club, founded in 1884, which is believed to be the first women’s football team in England.

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Born Douglas on 24 May 1855 in the Scottish town of Cametrith, Dixie was the youngest of six children of Archibald William Douglas, Marquess of Queensbury, according to the Oxford Dictionary of Biography one.

Despite his privileged position, his life was full of tragedy. As a result, she lost her father shortly after birth, while one of her brothers died while climbing Mount Cervino (Switzerland), and her twin James, to whom she was very attached, committed suicide in 1891.

Far from adapting her to Victorian life, her rigorous education in a convent of Catholic nuns made her questionable, especially in her treatment of women.

“It’s fine to declare that it’s women’s business to have children, raise them, handle the housework, and leave the rest to men, but some women seek a different life“, he claimed.

Portrait of Queen Victoria, Britain's second longest reigning monarch.

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In the Victorian era, the differences between men and women were so stark that the latter could not even own property.

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At the age of 19, Dixie married Lord Alexander Beaumont Churchill Dixie and both shared a love of adventure and the outdoors.

According to her biographers, her husband’s drinking and gambling problems not only nearly destroyed her, but also led her to start the scandal-ridden company at the time.

In 1878, after the birth of the second son, The couple traveled to Patagonia and toured for six months. The nobleman thus became the first woman to explore the area.

In his book he recounts what he saw and experienced, including a dangerous encounter with a family of jaguars Traveling through Patagonia (via Patagonia), published in 1880, became a bestseller.

cities in chile Puerto Natales even has a hotel named after the Scottish adventurer.

The popularity Dixie gained after the expedition helped him exchange letters with the already famous naturalist Charles Darwin, who made observations — not to mention corrections — of some of Darwin’s writings, according to the Darwin Correspondence Project. . Awarded by the University of Cambridge, UK.

Shortly after returning from South America, Dixie became first woman appointed reporter A British newspaper abroad: morning paper (today daily telegraph).

The newspaper sent rising stars to South Africa to report on the war between British troops and the Afrikaans (descendants of the Dutch or Boers) and against the native Zulus.

Illustration of the first women's football game in London.

Henry Marriott Paget
Despite the great interest in the English women’s football club’s opening match, the move was criticized as vulgar by the media at the time.

Break down the barriers on the target point

On her return to England, Dixie became involved in politics, particularly women’s rights, supporting movements in favor of women’s voting rights, marriage equality and the use of comfortable clothing.

To achieve these goals, he embarked on another adventure: in 1894, he accepted Nettie HoneyboConsidered one of the first English footballers, as chairman of the newly formed British Women’s Football Club (BLFC), The country’s first organized women’s soccer team.

(I joined the team) Show the world with a strong determination Women are not the “frills” creatures that men imagine.Dixie announced to the press.

There’s no reason women can’t play soccer and play it long as they dress sensibly, and don’t brush aside the leotard outfits that the fashion industry is happy to wear for them,” he added.

The aristocrat’s involvement has attracted media attention, but not only because of her revolutionary ideas and her adventurous past, but also because of her surname.His late father, the Marquess of Queensberry, accused author Oscar Wilde of having a homosexual relationship with his son, which was a crime at the time; and The scandal not only made it to the courts but made many headlines.

Illustration of a woman walking through a field with her two children

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Be a wife, have children, raise children. This is the basic role given to women in Victorian society.

At the time, the women’s movement was ridiculed and scorned because of clothing and concerns about women’s reproductive health.

Football is dangerous to reproductive organs (women) and breasts, due to sudden jerks, twists and blows,” noted a scientific publication at the time. This was highlighted in an article published in Women at Risk, a University of Edinburgh project aimed at highlighting Women who think ahead of their time, that’s why they are considered “dangerous”.

“It would be nice if they could settle for afternoon tea and sewing”signed a satirical magazine after learning of the club’s founding.

Illustration of Victorian women's clothing.

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At the end of the 19th century, women were subject to strict behavior and dress codes, which were quite restrictive.

hard attack

Although the BLFC’s first game was played in south London on 23 March 1895, attracting 10,000 spectators, according to the Football Association (FA), the media attacks continued.

This is reflected in the book”Women’s football players and the British mediaAmerican historian James F. Lee compiled dozens of tough questions about the franchise.

Viewers just watch it out of curiositythe same as generating a dog that walks on its front legs,” commented Penny Illustrated.

for its part, the now-defunct magazine sketch Posted: ‘Women are not for rough football. As a backyard practice it can’t be condemned, but As a public spectacle, it’s a pity“.

For Lee, the remarks “reflected the class prejudices of the time”. “Football is a sport played almost exclusively by workers, and BLFC players are mostly middle class women, btw they get paid for it too‘, he pointed out.

Illustration of victorian women playing football in an open field.

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Player clothing was one of the favorite targets of the media at the time.

Beyond machismo

However, the team didn’t last long in business, disappearing after two years due to financial problems.

Although women’s football flourished during World War I, The practice was banned in England by the Football Association in 1921, although at least three clubs continue to operate in secrecy. Why did you encounter such setbacks?

“The truth is, it’s considered a male-only game”said Richard McBrady, director of the Scottish Football Museum, in a documentary.

However, the history of women in the sport goes back a long way. In 1881, several games were held in Scotland and it is believed that Elizabeth I’s first queen, Mary Stuart, had a ball to play with.

“Women faced two fundamental disadvantages playing football in the late Victorian era,” explains John Dewhirst, who has researched some of England’s football history.

“First, the men’s game was well established at the time, monopolizing the resources: the playing field and the organizational infrastructure (the clubs and the governing body that organized the game). The second was Women spend far less time playing sports and are not even encouraged to do so“, he added.

Portrait of Lady Florence Dixie

Courtesy of the National Portrait Gallery
Dixie enjoyed hunting and horseback riding, so she is thought to have been a sports enthusiast, but there is no evidence that she played football.

Jean Williams, professor of sports history at the University of Wolverhampton, credits Dixie’s contribution It’s not limited to breaking down barriers to movement between men and women.

“One of the most interesting things about English women’s football is the way middle-class women (Nettie Honeybaw) work with aristocrats (Florence Dixie),” he explained to the BBC in 2013.

This professor is the author of the book”History of Women’s SoccerShe doesn’t hesitate to describe Dixie’s role as “important” so that women can play football, although she denies that she ever played football.

“Dixie loved hunting, shooting and fishing and was a great explorer”,it’s over.

As well as promoting equality, entertainment and health, the aristocrat sought to abolish the corsets and long gowns that women of her day had to wear, believing football would help.

“Football is everyone’s pastime and guarantees health and It will help destroy the hydra-headed monster on that woman’s current dressDixie once claimed.

In 1905, however, diphtheria took her life before she could see some of the changes she had fought for.

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