She gave birth to twins at the age of seventy! The oldest woman in Africa to give birth

The birth of the woman, Safina Namukwaya, was registered for the second time in three years, despite her advanced age. Moreover, this time she broke the record by giving birth to twin babies.

Namukwaya previously gave birth to a baby girl named Sarah in 2020, when she was 67 years old. Recently, she made international headlines carrying her daughter and son, whom she had thanks to in vitro fertilization treatment.

The father gave up and asked the public for help

Namukwaya thus officially became the oldest woman to give birth in Africa. What made the event even more astonishing was that she gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl.

Accordingly, the birth took place at the International Women’s Hospital and Fertility Center in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, the African country. Local news sources also wrote that the old woman suffered from many problems, including her twins’ father abandoning her.

Explaining his feelings to reporters, Namukwaya said:

“Men don’t like to be told that you’re carrying more than one baby. He hasn’t come since you were hospitalized.”

Since she was unable to work during pregnancy, she has now called on local residents to help her, saying: “It will be difficult to take care of these children because I did not work during my pregnancy.”

The hospital spokesman’s statement came in a post on social media:

“Yes, she gave birth to twins; a boy and a girl. It is truly a historic achievement. We invite you to celebrate as we honor this brave mother and expect her twins to grow up healthy. This story is not just about medical success; it is about the strength and resilience of the human spirit.”

(Tags for translation)Safina Namukwaya

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