Simple exercises to safely lose weight at home

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Weight Loss Tips: Simple Exercises to Safely Lose Weight at HomePixel

If you are not a big fan of the gym, but you know that to lose weight, physical exercise must be one of your must-haves, We’re telling you, there’s no need to spend hours training. It is more recommended that you perform exercises that are best suited to your physical condition and metabolism so that your muscles and back are not harmed.

How to do it? Well, you can’t expect to run a marathon in one day, so improve little by little and it’s best to subject yourself to the advice of professionals, but we’ll give you a tip: do squats.

The first person you must trust is a nutritionist. (We give you some nutritional advice). He knows what and how much you should eat.As a general rule, we’ve told you that it’s best to eat natural products (no ultra-processed products) and Enhances the flavor of fruits and vegetables compared to greasier or sweeter products. But exercise is also important. Therefore, we recommend that you talk to a second type of professional: a qualified sports coach.

For example, if you decide to get bikini surgery this year and want to start running, you have to know one thing: you won’t be able to run 10 kilometers without training first. That’s why you have to start little by little.

But be careful, All exercise must be age appropriate. If you are over 35, you have to start taking care of yourself differently. Nutritionists and athletic trainers say it’s important to stop doing too much cardio and do more strength training. Your muscles start to lose strength at that age (especially over 40), and it’s important to continue to strengthen them. The method couldn’t be simpler. The exercise we’re talking about today has become popular on the internet and among celebrities: the squat.

Edurne does squats with Pablo Motos

Simple exercise…but difficult

Here’s something you can do at home, all you have to do is have a chair: Squats. Of course, make sure your feet are well supported and your posture is as correct as possible to avoid back injuries. It is important that you always do what your coaches and sports experts tell you because this is how you will achieve a successful conclusion. If an exercise is not effective, not only will it have no effect, but it will have no effect. slim down The damage you cause will leave you depressed for a long time.

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