Since 2019, Andalusia has invested almost $680 million in high-tech equipment for primary and hospital care

Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs, Catalina Garcia, attended an informative breakfast hosted by Executive Forum in partnership with LEO Pharma and Abbott. In his speech, he emphasized that since 2019, The Andalusian government has allocated €678 million to purchase high-tech equipment for primary and hospital care Euro passes 300 centralized purchasing documents. Of these 678 million, 510 are in hospital care and 168 in primary care.

“It is undeniable Technological advances are delivering innovative solutions that improve healthcare quality, system efficiency and patient access.Andalusia has joined A new technological era in healthcare There is no doubt that this is Dramatically changing healthcare We didn’t know that until a few years ago,” he said.

As he emphasized, this new device means on the one hand Improving the productive capacity of Andalucia’s health services (SAS), therefore, Reduce referrals to outside medical that the potential for availability of treatment courses Between 2019 and 2023, the number of new treatments increased by 331,500 and diagnostic studies increased by 416,700.

We updated our technical equipment after discovering serious obsolescence When we came to the Andalusian government in 2019,” he said, looking back on the most high-profile procurement of four years ago. nuclear medicineFor example, between 2019 and 2023, 12 PET-CTs, 10 of which were performed in places where they did not exist before, such as Almeria, Jaén or Huelva.

exist diagnostic imagingSAS has been added 32 MRIs, 17 in new locations, and 90 new CT scans obtained, 17 in locations that did not previously exist.In addition, they also obtained 37 high-resolution mammograms used to screen young women, including 6 in new locations.

exist Radiation TherapyAndalucia Healthcare also won Twenty-nine image-guided systems in 29 hospitals that previously did not have these devices now have 32 radiotherapy linear accelerators installed, six of which are in new locationsand ASA New precision radiosurgery system and 8 brachytherapy devices.

“The combination of cutting-edge technologies in areas such as radiotherapy, nuclear medicine and diagnostic imaging are revolutionizing healthcare, especially when it comes to cancer treatment or early diagnosis of rare diseases.All these techniques are necessary because it turns out Providing significant benefits to patients and professionals themselves health aspects. Thanks to this cutting-edge equipment, Higher diagnostic accuracyconduct More precise treatment and personalized treatment. Similarly, They provide greater security, accessibility, efficiency and productivity”, added.

In this regard, he emphasized, Medical equipment and device spending Specifically related to Cancer diagnosis and treatment increased by 426% If you compare the period 2014 to 2018 and 2019 to 2023. Therefore, if €29.9 million was allocated for this purpose between 2014 and 2018, Between 2019 and 2023, $157.4 million has been invested in new technologies to treat cancer. “This is a clear and resounding commitment to the fight against cancer in Andalusia,” he added.

talk Surgery and neurosurgeryemphasizing the inclusion of 8 new robots for surgical assistance have been added since 2019, two of which are located in Huelva and Jaén, where they did not exist before. Similarly, This year, Andalusia has its first ultrasonic tremor treatment device High-intensity topical treatment for neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s diseasesuccessfully launched Cordovar Reina Sofia University Hospital.

Also starting from this year, The University Hospital of Santa Fe de las Nieves in Granada is an international benchmark in the field of radiosurgery and has the most innovative Gamma Knife equipment in Spain’s public health is a tool Cutting-edge radiosurgery technology to treat tumors and other brain diseases More precise, faster and less aggressive.

On the other hand, he emphasized Andalusian health services increase health care activities. From January to September this year, Indications for surgery increased by 15% compared with the same period in 2018, reaching more than 300,000 cases.return The number of outpatient visits was 9.9 million, an increase of 17% over five years ago; the number of diagnostic tests was 7.6 million, an increase of 2.2% over five years ago.. “We still have three months until the end of the year,” he declared. Additionally, all agree on a 7% reduction from 2022 and nearly 30% reduction from 2018.

Vaccinations in Andalusia

Health and Consumer Affairs Minister presents first coverage figures Flu and COVID-19 vaccination campaigns. Therefore, two weeks after the event started, Nearly 40% of people over 85 have been vaccinated fight these viruses and About 20% of people over 70People who started getting vaccinated last week have also received double themselves80% of people in nursing homes have been vaccinated, and about 20,000 children aged 6 months to 5 years have received the flu vaccine.

“Given these figures, all we can say is thank you. Thanks to all Andalusians for their responsibility and commitment For the well-being of those around them and themselves, they protect themselves and us from respiratory infections,” he added, while Recognizing the work of health professionals So that activities can be carried out in a timely manner.

about respiratory syncytial virus immunityis the leading cause of bronchiolitis, or pneumonia, since September 25 last year. 30,000 babies under six months old have been immunized, almost 50% of the total planned for this campaign. In addition, the group of people captured by the SAS, Nearly 90% of people born between April 1 and September 30 have been vaccinatedwhich means about 25,000 babies.

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