Smokers and pharmacy workers among target groups for flu and Covid-19 vaccinations

Covid-19 is still very much alive in our time. Although three years into the global pandemic, the virus is still present in the population, albeit with less vigor. Health Minister Alejandro Vazquez said the situation “has not yet been overcome.” And, because of the summer, “it’s spreading more intensely than before.”

This was explained in a statement he made before a meeting with health sector managers at the beginning of the political course.

The number of infections has increased significantly, leading to “increased healthcare volumes in primary and hospital care.” However, there is “positive news”, that is, “there is no significant increase in extremely severe cases.”

Remember, COVID vaccination is not “universal,” but booster doses are recommended to prevent the spread of the virus. As far as masks are concerned, “it is already in use in many areas of the hospital centre.” However, there are some recommendations that “should continue to be considered.”

In response to Covid-19 cases in homes, the adviser responded forcefully: “The Homes Department has updated its protocols and this is an issue we are not going to impact on what they have.”

“Flu and Covid-19 Vaccination Campaign”

The Public Health Commission, composed of the Ministry of Health and the Autonomous Communities, last Tuesday approved the vaccination campaign against influenza and Covid-19, which is expected to start in the last week of September and continue until the middle of September. October.

One of the novelties of this flu vaccination is that in addition to children under six years old, smokers will enter this risk group and be given priority for vaccination. Pharmacy staff will do it too, Although not on this list, it is actually accessible.

This is because smokers may develop complications from the flu due to severe respiratory problems.

‘Severe staff shortage’

The Minister of Health assured that summer sports are “difficult” because despite “repeated requests from the autonomous region to the Ministry of Health” there is a “serious lack of personnel”.

Vazquez confirmed that the summer campaign was “positive” and that they were able to provide aid “across the territory.” Currently, there are more than 40,000 workers despite being outside the “severe” active period of Covid-19. Finally, he explained that they are “adjusting” recruiting to suit demand: “If there is a need to do more, we will do it.”

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