Snow couldn’t slow down Michael Jordan – He walked to 1985 NBA All-Star Game – Indianapolis News | Indiana Weather | Indiana Traffic

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – It was snowing and cold in Indianapolis on February 10, 1985, the day of the 1985 NBA All-Star Game. By 7 a.m., there were 5 inches of snow on the ground, and another 3 inches would fall before the snow reached Hoosier Dome.

But Michael Jordan, fresh out of the University of North Carolina and spending his rookie season with the Chicago Bulls, wasn’t going to let a little snow stop him from playing in his first All-Star Game.

Most, if not all, of the coaches and players attending Indy’s first All-Star Game — including Jordan — were staying at the Hyatt Regency downtown. Most, if not all, coaches and players make the short trip to the Indiana Dome via taxi, limousine or rental car.

But not Michael Jordan.

News 8 caught up with Jordan outside his hotel. There, the rookie, wrapped in a fluffy fur coat, explained that he would walk the two blocks from the hotel to the dome. When he arrived, he was ready to play.

“I just want to win. I want to go out and do well. This is my first All-Star Game, so I’m not worried about points, you know? I just want to go out and play,” Jordan explained.

Then the future six-time NBA champion disappeared in a puff of brown fur.

Michael Jordan braved the snow, mud and freezing cold for the short walk to the Hoosier Dome and finished with seven points, six rebounds and two assists in his first All-Star Game.

But Jordan wasn’t the only one walking to the Indian Dome that day.

News 8 caught up with “Showtime” Lakers leader and Western Conference coach Pat Riley on Sidewalk.

Like MJ, Riley dresses for the weather.

“It’s snowing outside. Only an idiot from California wouldn’t wear a coat in the snow,” Riley said. “You know, I have to worry about my hair and everything today, you know? It’s national television, so no, we’re definitely going to take a taxi there.”

Or so I thought.

The legendary Lakers coach took one look at the heavy traffic downtown and decided to walk, too.

The brief trek to the Hoosier Dome did not impact Riley’s coaching ability. He led Magic, Kareem and Hakeem (aka Olajuwan) to a 154-149 victory over Michael Jordan and the Eastern Conference All-Stars.

Not bad for a night that started with a two-block walk in the snow.

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